Chapter Sixteen - Monster Meeting

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I head on over to the living room while running my hand through my damp hair, successfully messing it up as I shake out a few droplets.

Of course, when I walk through the doorway I'm immediately met with Jacob's sarcasm.

"Finally. What did you do, put on makeup?" He scoffs.

I give him an odd look as I glance at Danny in confusion. I've been cleaning up all the blood and I thought they'd know that.

He told them all, right?

Jacob sees the look on my face and rolls his eyes.

"Relax, I'm just messing with you."

They are all sat at the dinner table with the exception of Renee, who's absent. "Did you clean everything up while you were in there?" He asks through a mouthful of cereal.

I give him a look of irritation.

"No, I just left it there for you to deal with." I joke, causing him to give me an exasperated look. "Relax, I'm just messing with you." I mock as I roll my eyes.

Jacob scowls before choking on his cereal, Danny quickly moving to pat his back. Once the werewolf waves him away, the demon boy shrugs and moves to give him his space.

I notice that the adult werewolves were purposefully trying not to look at me, immediately causing me to grimace and feel like complete shit.

To be fair, I wouldn't want to look at me either.

Danny gestures for me to sit down next to him but I hesitate. I'm still not comfortable sitting with everyone after I stormed off last night, and now it seems I've given them plenty more reasons to hate me. I'm pretty sure murder would cause most people to take someone off of their list of preferred house guests.

What I can't figure out is why Jacob, of all people, still talks to me normally. Sure, it's all insults and half of it was him choking on his breakfast like an idiot, but it wasn't any different than usual.


Honestly it's such a shame since I would enjoy his silence the most. But maybe it's because he already hates me. I mean, how can you hate someone you already despise?

Danny clears his throat and the parents glance at each other, having some kind of mental conversation before nodding.

"Come sit down, Asher." Orders the main alpha, his tone giving me that exact same feeling as when I would get in trouble. I don't move until his wife turns and gives me a smile as she stiffly nods, letting me know that it was alright for me to do so.

Slowly I make my way over to where the ginger haired boy had gestured to a second ago. Now I have the two alphas sitting in front of me and Jacob sandwiched between his father and Danny. We're sitting in a kind of misshapen circle as we all face each other and tension fills the air.

Of course I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to say, so I just wait. I mean, what kind of excuses do you use in these situations? Sorry for murdering someone, freaking your pack out, and getting blood all over your house, I just had a craving. Nah, doesn't sound like something that'll fly.

The wolves all seem to have another mental conversation with each other (is this some kind of werewolf thing I don't know about?) when suddenly the male alpha nods and turns to me.

"We heard about what happened." He starts, and immediately my heart drops into my stomach.

I'm so dead.

Well, if I could die, that is.

"We think it was very irresponsible, drinking like you did and attacking humans near our pack's territory. If you're not careful they will find us and question us, possibly even blame us. Luckily the blame was placed on the creature that's been around here, but if anyone in the pack finds out it was you, they'll want you gone immediately. You're a safety hazard, and frankly even I'm a bit concerned having you in my household if you can't control yourself."

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