Chapter Thirty Three - May I Have This Dance?

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Helicopters are now my least favorite form of transportation.

Unlike a private jet, there's basically no way to hide the fact that we're about a thousand miles up in the air, and that's not even mentioning that nobody bothered strapping us with parachutes because we - according to them - didn't need them. I mean, I understand that I won't die, but I'm positive that smashing into the ground from this height would still be extremely painful—

—but hey, that might just be me.

Another thing with helicopters is the fact that they're just so fucking loud. Throughout the whole ride I basically kept my eyes closed and tried to pretend I was literally anywhere else. Danny held my hand in an attempt to comfort me, but I could tell he was trying not to laugh; he can be such an asshole sometimes, making me rethink the whole mates thing.

Luckily we make it to our destination alive and well - ergo: not a couple piles of goo smushed onto the concrete - and it turns out that we're not the only ones arriving via helicopter (shocking). We're currently on the roof with at least three others having landed around the same time, and I immediately rush out of the metal death trap as fast as I can.

Never again.

When I finally turn to find Danny, I see him gracefully stepping down before thanking the pilot, a charming smile on his features—

—I mean of course he looks like some goddamn prince—

—and he makes eye contact with me, his face lighting up in amusement at my scowl as I stand with my arms crossed irritably. He bites his lip in an attempt to hold back a giggle, causing me to fume silently at the sheer unfairness that he's just so fucking perfect all the time.

"I'm not going on a helicopter ever again, which means we're either taking a car back or I'm fucking walking." I tell him, to which he chuckles before nodding in confirmation, understanding that I really do mean it. He makes his way to my side, gesturing to a doorway that some of the other guests are already heading towards. I eye the others for a second, noticing that they're also dressed in highly expensive outfits (although most are pretty standard formal attire). In fact, appearance-wise you wouldn't even be able to tell they aren't human, making me wonder what the other attendees will look like.

We begin making our way to the doors and I slightly lean in to the demon boy beside me, speaking quietly. "Just wondering, but where are we?"

Danny glances to me with a small smile. "I forgot your eyes were closed during the ride—"

—I glare—

"—but we're actually on top of a hotel. Right now we're heading to the biggest ball room."

At this, I eye him curiously. "Have you been here before?"

He takes a second to respond but then sighs, nodding once more. "A very long time ago, in order to meet my brothers. I don't know if it's changed or not, though." The words have me looking at him in surprise momentarily, but I decide not to comment. After all, it makes sense, and I'm willing to bet it wasn't the best experience. I start to feel bad for bringing him back here, but Danny grabs my hand and squeezes it while shooting me another one of his signature warm smiles. "Don't worry, I don't mind. You're here with me, after all."

I blush like an idiot at the cheesiness of his words, looking away from the demon boy quickly. As we reach the doors, he squeezes my hand again before releasing it, the both of us tensing as we stand in front of the entrance where two guards are placed, one asking for the invitation necessary to enter. Danny happily provides it for them, and they only eye us momentarily before bowing and allowing us inside. The fancy large doors open and the two of us step through, only taking a couple steps before I have to stop and take in the sight before me, my breath hitching slightly in amazement—

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