Chapter Twenty Six - Hell No

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Hell - believe it or not - really sucks.

Not only is the place just super hot, but the constant tortured screaming really gets to you.

When I first arrived, Drake immediately shoved me into some fancy guest room which I tried to escape from, but everything's made to withstand demons and I guess windows don't really exist in the Underworld.

Go figure.

I was pretty much just left alone in that room for awhile, laying down on the bed and trying my best to figure out a plan so I can get out of here but sadly I came up with absolutely nothing. My arm was still messed up and I didn't think it would be healing anytime soon with the lack of blood in my system. I regretted rejecting Danny's offers over the last few days - I just didn't want to drink from him while he was driving in case it made him unable to focus on the road, but overall it would've really helped me in this particular situation.

Surprisingly, I am not psychic and didn't predict that we'd run into one of Danny's evil brothers and I'd get kidnapped and taken to Hell, so I didn't exactly get to prepare myself.

After spending a good time lost in my thoughts, eventually Drake appeared again and told me I was to live in that room from now on and if I misbehaved then I would be punished.

Of course, I misbehaved.

Apparently being a smartass to your captor isn't exactly a good idea, and trying to bite him is also not considered proper behavior.

And now I'm back from my punishment - if torture can even be considered a punishment - and let's just say I'm not too inclined to act out again.

Drake had strapped me to a table, which I now know was specifically made for vampires or some shit because the cuffs fucking hurt - they burned like a god damn hot iron being pressed against my skin - and then he proceeded to carve into my body using many blades of different functions, shapes, and sizes. Of course when I first saw them I was like fuck no and did everything I can not to lose my shit, even telling myself I wouldn't scream, but I've never had to live with pain like that before and I ended up pathetically sobbing like a baby. Drake seemed pleased when he was done and had another demon come over and take me back to my prison.

Honestly I think I much prefer it in here than out there.

As stubborn and prideful my personality is, even I'm not stupid enough to put myself through pain like that again over something idiotic like pride. So, I've been holed up here ever since.

Now I'm lying here on the bed, bloodying up the sheets as agony fills my body and I try my best to take deep breaths. Stupid fucking demon and his stupid torture room.

Hell just really fucking blows.

Definitely getting a zero star rating from me on yelp.

I groan as I move my good arm and use it to lift myself up; I really need to pee. Trying my best to ignore every sting and soreness in my body, I somehow manage to get myself to the edge of the bed and set my feet on the ground. Sucking in a big breath, I push myself to stand and immediately regret it as it feels like every deep cut or bruise is being stretched and moved, pain ripping through me like a tidal wave.

"Fuck." I cuss, feeling like just lying back down and crying. Instead, I move myself forward and continue to walk to the center of the room so I can look up and into the security camera placed there (security cameras in Hell, who knew?), waving to it weakly before speaking. "Hey dickhead, I gotta piss."

I stand there as I wait, blood running across my skin and dripping onto the expensive-looking carpet. Of course, the extreme lack of the stuff in my body is making me go a bit crazy, but I'm trying all I can to ignore it since there really isn't anything I can do about it right now. Turning into a ravenous monster just doesn't seem like the best idea in my current situation.

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