Chapter Nineteen - The White Bitch

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We both sit down on the worn leather stools to have another drink. We still have to go back and meet up with Jacob, who I'm positive is pissed at us for taking so long, but I really don't care if we make him wait a little longer.

Everyone inside the building are still focused on the stage, although I have no idea why since I can't even imagine how this could be interesting. My eyes then catch something red in the peripheral of my vision, and I suddenly realize it's Danny's tail.

I quickly snatch it out of the air and hold it tightly in my grasp, causing him to jump in surprise.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I hiss at him angrily, not wanting our cover to be blown. "In case you've forgotten, we're in a hunter's bar. Keep your tail hidden, dumbass!"

He looks to me in confusion and then to the offensive appendage. In a split second, something happens.

One second I'm seeing his human self, and the next he's back to looking like a demon. His eyes widen and he looks down at his hands, horror written on his face.

"I didn't— I didn't do that!" He yelps, looking up at me. Once his eyes connect with mine, his mouth widens and he points at me. "Asher, your eyes!"

I can only assume he means they're glowing, and immediately I feel my fangs elongate to their full size, making them unable to be hidden.

"Fuck." I cuss, realizing what's happening. The both of us make eye contact with each other, not knowing what's causing this, before the answer pops into my brain. It has to be what the white witch gave us: Truth.

Should've known she was too nice, I suppose. Someone who's so against darkness wouldn't be so suddenly accepting without having ulterior motives.

Angrily I grab the glass of red liquid and, without thinking, I throw it at the wall. The shattering sound of glass alerts the hunters in the room, many of them leaping out of their seats in alarm before then turning to look in our direction, almost all of them gaping once they catch sight of us.

Honestly, I can't blame them. A demon and a vampire walking right into enemy territory? That's just fucking stupid.

There's also the fact that Danny himself is literally one of the craziest looking beings in existence, with his horns and tail and everything. Not to mention the whole glowing eyes and bright red skin thing, although the wings are the definite eye catcher. Demons definitely aren't meant to be subtle, he's like a bright red beacon.

Damn it.

"Great going, Asher!" Danny scowls, and we both notice one of the hunters move.

Not knowing what to do, I shout for our only backup.


Just as the hunter is about a hair's length away from cutting me with this weird looking red knife, Jacob bursts into the building as a large wolf, completely scattering tables and chairs, successfully knocking a whole bunch of people over. He startles the hunter that was about to stab me, causing his aim to shift as he barely scrapes my arm, cutting a clean line across it. Wincing, I shove the man away from me harshly, the force of it causing him to fly across the room.


"What the fuck?" I ask Danny with wide eyes, and he looks to where I'm pointing, scowling at the sight of my cut before looking back to me.

"That's not good!" He shouts, and I roll my eyes.

"No shit, Sherlock."

Jacob continues running around the room, knocking everything over and causing people to scream and scramble away in different directions. The hunters want to do something to fight back, but they're all too confused because they keep getting knocked down every time they try to stand.

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