Chapter Twenty Seven - Necromancy Apps

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It's the one thing occupying my mind right now.

I've been stuck in this room, starving for... I don't even know how long. It feels like weeks -  or even months - but I might just be exaggerating due to my current state of mind.

I don't really think of anything besides my need for blood these days, my thirst reaching a higher intensity than I've ever experienced previously. On the bright side, I've been refusing to let myself fall asleep so I won't black out, which is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my entire life. Not to mention I occasionally get a sudden burst of violent energy which causes me to trash the room and break things, my head clearing slightly right after as I collapse in an exhausted heap on the ground. Sometimes I'll go curl up on my shredded covers, but usually I can't muster enough strength to make it there.

You know in the movies when someone is dehydrated in a desert and they hallucinate that they found a pond or lake? Let's just say that something similar has happened to me a couple times.

Sometimes I'm totally out of it and I imagine a leak in the ceiling, blood dripping down from it. Other times the stuff is just seeping in from underneath the doors, making me rush over only to be disappointed when I touch it and it vanishes.

I really am going insane.

My throat is like sandpaper and my stomach feels like an excruciatingly painful hole that's consuming my body. I've noticed I've gotten thinner and my pale skin has turned a sickly grey, my fangs refusing to retract as they wait for a body to bite into.

But no one will come. A good thing I guess, since I doubt I'd be able to control myself if anyone did enter. The presence of a living being would make me lose myself completely.

I've pondered over when Danny will show up, but now I don't even have enough thought capacity for that. In fact, I've forgotten most of what lies outside of these doors - I just want blood.

Hell, I'd probably sell my soul to Drake for a single drop if I could, but I can't leave and the bastard hasn't shown himself since the day he promised to starve me.

I still don't understand why he felt the need to do any of this, but I can't really find it in me to care right now.

I'm too hungry.

I tried drinking from myself to see if that would relieve the burning in my throat, but it just tasted like shit and didn't do anything.

I'm currently kneeling on the floor in front of the two large doors that lead into my "cell", exhausted after clawing at them in another attempt to escape. I'm losing my mind and I just want to get the fuck out of here. I can smell a demon behind the doors, their presence driving me closer and closer to the edge since the thing I want the most is right at my fingertips, just out of reach. They're right there, their heartbeat singing in my ears and calling to me, bringing the darkness to the edge of my vision as I tiredly push against it - I can't let myself lose control again.

Then, the air changes.

My eyes widen as I realize I recognize the scent, but I can't really place it since my brain is kind of muddled. I hear a faint oof and a thud, meaning someone clearly got knocked out or killed. The sharp scent of blood fills my nose and has me flaring my nostrils as I lick my lips, digging my fingers into the ruined wood of the doors in front of me while my heart rate picks up.

I need it.

I hear steady footfalls walking towards me, a shadow appearing under the door and signaling that someone is standing behind it. I shoot myself up from the floor, scrambling over to the side so I can catch the person off guard if they were to enter.

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