Chapter Nine - The Road Kill Cafe

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I feel so awkward.

We were in a room located at the back of the restaurant, which appeared to be the employees' break room . There were only two waitresses at the cafe currently, and one of them sat in front of us at a cheap round table. My vampire hearing was buzzing with the loud sounds coming from the ancient looking vending machines behind us, and I felt an ever growing irritation at the tapping of Danny's leg and his moving hands. He was visibly anxious and upset while wearing a frown, which honestly amused me since it was such a foreign expression on him. However now it seems to have been permanently etched onto his face ever since we stepped inside of the building.

Whoever this woman was, he was not pleased to see her.

"What are you doing here?" Asked the waitress as she sat back in her chair with her arms folded over her chest. She seems irritated, the cause most likely being Danny's presence. This was different from pretty much everyone else who knows the demon, and I couldn't help but be pleased that I wasn't the only one who found him extremely annoying to be around. I look at Danny to see what kind of explanation he was going to give to her.

Not meeting her eyes, he says, "I'm helping my friend."

I mentally scoff, because for one, I am not his friend, and two, that was not his only reason for planning this trip.

Her eyes move to me then back to the ginger haired boy on my right. "Your friend doesn't seem to agree with that answer." Danny looks at me and I turn away guiltily. I didn't mean to let my thoughts show on my face, but apparently I'm not as good at hiding them as I thought I was. Danny shrugs and the woman sighs.

"Danny, we had an agreement, you can't just go breaking that whenever you want to." She says, scolding him. Suddenly I'm very interested in the conversation, wondering just what kind of history the two redheads had together. The woman wasn't much older than him by appearance, but then again I could definitely sense something was off about her, most likely meaning she wasn't human. I don't think I can assume anything by age.

Danny's frown deepens as he scowls down at the table, then he too crosses his arms. My eyes widen in surprise. Who was this stranger and what did they do with sunshine boy?

"I'm sorry, but you weren't supposed to be here. Ron said that you were off today." He said, and immediately the woman, whose name tag I finally looked at read "Susan", sighed once more and shook her head.

"Of course it was Ron. He's way too devoted to Satan and his bloodline." She tsk-ed, and I looked at her surprised. She knew what he was, so does that mean she's a demon too? Danny grimaces at her words, and finally looks up at her.

"Look, I'm just here for information and then we'll be out of your hair. So can you just tell me what I need to know and we can leave? I don't want to see you just as much as you don't want to see me." He says, annoyance evident in his voice.

I was literally speechless. I thought I was the rude one here, but this stranger next to me was clearly harboring many secrets, and I was starting to doubt going on this trip. Who is this guy?

Danny glances at me, then looks down guiltily as if he had been caught. He almost looks ashamed.

Susan uncrosses her arms and places her palms on the table and pushes herself forward a bit to look Danny straight in the eyes.

"You aren't even supposed to be out here in the first place! How is the government, or even your parents, going to react when they find out that the youngest son of Satan is running out and about with some teenage vampire unsupervised?" She hissed causing Danny to flinch slightly.

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