It Will Get Better From Here

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Chapter 35

~Jenna's POV~

For the rest of our last day off we all went to the fair they had set up and goofed around. It was days like these that I am thankful for never killing myself no matter how much I wish for it sometimes.

I feel bad for Jaime now because he's the only one alone in our odd numbered group; now that Mike and Tony can't keep their hands off each other. I didn't want him feeling alone so I went on half the rides with him and the other half with Vic. I love Jaime because he acts like an older sibling to me, which Cassidy was supposed to do but she left me.

Jaime did all the older brothery type things I longed for in the years I was alone like; give me piggyback rides, gossip with me, make fun of me in a nice way, make me laugh; which Vic does all these things and I love him for it, it's just a different feeling when you're not romantically involved.

Once we were done at the fair everyone was hungry, well except me but I have to eat, so we all went downtown and found a nice restaurant for their last night off for awhile. Vic asked what I wanted to eat, like he always does, but because this day was about being nice to him I convinced him that he could choose whatever he wanted. He was a little reluctant at first still asking if I wanted salad because he wouldn't mind, but I convinced him that I would share whatever he wanted. That made him happy I guess because he kissed my head and told me he loved me.

We ended up sharing a burger and he had fries on the side. It was hard to eat my whole half because a burger is the most filling type of food I've had in a long time and it made me feel fat and gross inside, but I did it even if it took me forever to eat. And by forever I mean everyone had finished their meals and dessert when I finally ate my last bite of meat.

I leaned into Vic and put my head on his chest, "my tummys really full" I pouted into him more and cuddled into him, even though we were at the table, he's just really comfy.

"Oh Sweetie I know, but we can go back to the hotel and cuddle and watch movies" Vic replied sweetly.

Everyone got up from the table and we all waited outside while Jaime paid for the food. when he was back we all discussed what we were doing for the rest of the night, Mike and Tony were going to a club and Jaime wanted to go see a movie.

"Okay guys," Vic started, "I'll see you tomorrow, can you get the bus to pick us up at the hospital just after 11?"

"Yeah sure, why?" Jaime asked.

"Because Jenna's got an appointment with Dr. King to make sure she's good to travel and stuff."

"Oh, okay, see you guys tomorrow"

And with that we all left. I really don't want to go see the doctor tomorrow, I didn't even know I had an appointment. He's probably going to do a bunch of tests again and talk to me about making sure I eat and stuff. I just really hate the whole doctor kind of vibe, them always judging you for why you're there.

When Vic and I were back in the room we both just got in our pjs and cuddled up in bed.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about the doctor, I just didn't want you to worry the past few days" Vic said pulling me closer to him.

"It's okay, but umm you're going to come in with me right?" I asked feeling shy, I don't know why but I just feel like a little kid asking for company.

"Of course baby, I love you"

"I love you too"

We both just fell asleep after that, feeling safe in each others arms.


~Vic's POV~

We were sitting in Dr. King's office waiting for him to come back with the blood tests and whatnot. Jenna was curled up in a chair with her head between her knees. I heard the occasional sniffle coming from her so I assume she's crying but doesn't want me to know.

I was about to go scoop her up and comfort her but the doctor came back in and sat at his desk getting straight to business.

"As far as her blood and heart go she's doing good," he was talking to me, not even bothering to try and get Jenna to listen which I'm sure she was, "her immune system is rather weak still, so please make sure she stays away from sick people and don't let her get ill. On the other hand of things her weight is still dangerously low, she's at least 13 pounds underweight. If this was under any other circumstance I would have her be put in inpatient, but considering your circumstances I'm going to ask you to continue weighing her everyday and can I trust you to make sure she consumes a minimum of 1,500 calories a day?"

"Yeah I can do that" Jenna let out a loud sob when I agreed to those things but its doctor's orders and I can't let her get any sicker.

Dr. King and I discussed a few more things and he gave me some sheets about how to take care of Jenna. I was kind of offended at the fact he thought I needed instructions on how to take care of her, but when I read them over some of the information was honestly good. There was a pamphlet of things to say and not say which will probably come in super handy because I've said a few of the not to say things and they upset Jenna, now I understand why.

When the appointment was finally over I took Jenna's hand and lead her out of the dingy hospital. Thankfully the bus was waiting out front so we could just get on the road and leave this place.

As soon as we got on the bus Jenna ran off to our room earning me questioning looks from all the boys. I just slumped into the couch and let out a sigh.

"Hey bro is everything okay?" Mike asked patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, just I'm worried"

"What did the doctor say?" Jamie asked.

"She's still super underweight and her bodies weak. He wants me to make sure she eats 1,500 calories a day but I know that she's going to be super upset about it. I really want her to get better you guys" I few tears escaped and my voice went weak, "I really love her, Mikey I don't want her to die, I love her" I cried into his chest.

"Vic, it's going to be okay, we're all going to help make an effort making sure she's okay. We'll get through this." Jaime told me, Mike and Tony nodded in approval.

"Can someone go check on Jenna, I don't want her to see me like this" I really wanted to go make sure she was okay but I'm a mess right now and I can't let her think that her rock is breaking. I have to stay strong for her.

"I'll go, don't worry Vic, everything is going to get better from here." Jamie
said sincerely before he left.

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