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This is the story of my truth, and the reality of my daily life and thoughts. I hate that I still love her, but I always will love her with everything in me. However, what is love really? Is love doing what you can to make another person happy, even if they don't really appreciate it?

Anyways, this whole love thing has really made me reevaluate myself in a way. Do I need love, or even another persons feelings, to validate myself? No. Of course I can't deny that being loved felt amazing, because I felt acceptance for once... but in all honesty, I can do fine all on my own. I finally found myself, through myself. It was better for me when she was out of my life. And she hated that idea of me being independent. I wanted to be happy again and not feel tamed for once. I wanted to be on my own.

I just needed her to get me out.

Jason's POV
"I was also thinking about having you place the buildings here," the young woman sitting across from the glass table in my office tells me. She was a fellow CEO around the city of San Francisco, however she owned a project in which she and her team try to balance out saving nature, while also having enough work facilities for people.

I was staring at her body, perfect waist, hips curved out just enough, and her breasts were about a C cup. Her lips would look wonderful against mine.

"Is that a location you'd like?" She asks me looking up at me and I pretend that I had been paying attention to everything she was saying. I was caught up in my own thoughts to even pay attention to her.

Having sex with her wasn't the only thing I had in mind at the moment... but we'll save that for later.

"I don't see why not, I'd take anything from a beautiful woman like you Ms. Miranda," I flirt with her to start my manipulation and she stares at me like a deer in front of headlights.

She clears her throat. "There was also anoth-" "Are you interrupting me?" I ask her seriously and she pauses. "No," "And lying," I raise my eyebrows at her with a little smirk. "Mr. McCann, I came here for business," she says. "I would love if you could help my project," she adds on and I chuckle as I leaned over the table and she slightly leans back.

"With an outfit like that? Doesn't seem like that's all you want," I say leaning forward as I looked down into her dress, she notices and her jaw drops. "You're disgusting," she tells me and I smirk as I slammed my back on the chair. I bend my right leg and rest my foot on top of my left knee. I then rubbed the small stubble growing on my chin. "I thought that's the kind of sex women tend to like. Rough and disgusting," I say popping up my eyebrows when I repeated the word she said.

Her face expression went from surprised to disgusted, to flat out angry. "Excuse me? You're an absolutely disgusting for even assuming I would want to have sex with you. Forget I even stopped by, I'm not working with you," she says standing up as she gathers up her folder and papers. She stands up, and I stood in front of her with a smile. "Ms. Miranda, stop, calm down. It's all a joke," I say lightly laughing as I slowly shook my head and she scoffs. She then shoves me to move and I grab her arm.

"You're going to be sorry for that," I threaten her with a monotone voice, and give her arm a squeeze as she walks to the door. I then place my hand on the door to keep it slammed shut. "I apologize, I'm not in the best mood today," I tell her and she looks at me unsure to believe me. "I'd love to help your project," I lie to her and she stands there not knowing if she should believe me.

We basically have a staring contest for a few moments, and I nod my head. "I really do" I tell her, and she sits back down as I intended her to. "And to do other things, but we can get to that later," I say and she nods her head making me surprised as I sat back down as well.

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