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Justin's POV
"I think we would have to go to the hospital and ask the wife, to see what she says about this whole thing," Hailey suggests as we were talking about our case. "Yeah most likely," I reply as I looked over the reports and I type some things in my laptop.

We then hear a knock on my door and I lift my head to look at the door. "Come in," I say and Ana peaks her head in. "Hi, can we have a talk... privately," she asks me and I stand up from my chair and I walk to her. I close the door and whisper to her, "what are you doing here? I'm working," I say and she gives me an angry stare.

"Are you and Hailey erasing and rewriting another persons report?" She tells me and I sigh. "Why Justin? I could lose my fucking job over this," she tells me and I push the small of her back gently, taking her outside of the building.

Once we were outside in the parking lot, I blew up. "I read everything Ana," I say and her face drops. "You were calling me crazy because I was accusing you of cheating on me! I read it all Ana!" I say and she furrows her eyebrows. "Oh you're one to talk. While I'm in the fucking hospital, you bring your fling from how many fucking years ago to our house to help you complete your idea," she tells me.

"Why Justin? Why? You know I wanted to help him! And you bring that bitch to our house?! Do you not respect that you're married?" She says become more angry and I slightly yell back, "I don't give a fuck about him Ana! And you wanna go ahead and accuse of me shit? I got a whole lot of stuff to prove that you're cheating on me. I did it, because I don't give a fuck about him!"

"Well I do! Whether you like it or not, I care about him!" She yells at me and I shake my head. "If you wanted to cheat on me, then why don't you just divorce me? If that's all this marriage is going to come to, then fuck it right?" I say as I raise my arms and I drop them and I could see her heart break in her eyes. "No," she says while shaking her head and I squint my eyes at her. "It's not true," she says.

"You're still in love with him right? Go be with him Ana!" I say, my voice cracking. "I've done everything I could, to make you happy Ana, I don't know if there was something I could have done better for you as a husband, but if there was, I'm so sorry I couldn't succeed your expectations. If Jason is the person you want, and if he makes you that happy... " I say as I was already bawling my eyes out and Ana was bawling her eyes out as well.

"...then we're getting a divorce, if that's what will make you happy," I tell her and she shakes her head as she chokes on a sob. "No," she says and I walk away and she chased after me. "I want you! I want you! You make me happy, I want you!" She says crying to me as she pulled on my arm and I yell back at her, "THEN SHOW ME!" taking her back making her let go of my arm.

I yank my arm from her grasp and she continues talking to me and following me. "I'll tell you the truth," she tells me and I look at her. She begins crying violently and I wanted to comfort her, but I was too angry at her to do so. "What's the truth Ana?" I ask being extremely impatient.

"H-he threatened to kill me if I didn't write those things Justin, so in case if he did kill me, they'd think it was a suicide, and that I killed my self because I was in love with him. If I didn't let him out of there, he would find me and kill me, and they'd call it a suicide because I couldn't see him because he'd be in jail. He'd threaten me constantly, so I had to write it down as evidence for them. B-but I DONT love him Justin. I didn't think you'd see them, so I wrote them down, because only the detectives would see them once he's killed me and they see the files," she tells me as she held my arm to prevent me from walking away and I shake my head.

"I can't believe you," I say as I walk away from her and she falls to her knees. "You have to believe me! He's going to kill me Justin," she cries as she screams for me to come back to her. "Justin! He's going to kill me," She calls me and I turn to her. "He's in jail you fucking lunatic! Go home! And while you're at it, print out and sign those god damn divorce papers and go fuck yourself!" I yell at her and she continues sobbing while on her knees.

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