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Jason's POV
"Death, a beautiful thing when it's done to the right person, and for the right person," I tell Barbara and she gives me a worried look. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. Just if you don't give me what I want in the end," I say while smiling at her and she writes in her notepad 'not afraid to be intimidating' making me internally laugh.

"So, we never really finished off about your childhood. Sorry to bring up your traumatic past again, but just know this will help you and I with your case," she tells me and I nod my head. I look down at my lap and see the orange jumpsuit I was in, and how I was handcuffed again.

"Well, at first my childhood was amazing, like how any other kid would have wanted it. I was a friendly kid, from what I remember. But then, my mom had lost her job, as a waitress, and everything just fell into shambles," I say as I rub my chin in frustration.

"How so?" She asks me after she was done writing what I was saying. "Stress and alcohol became my father's enemy and best friend. And then my father's fist became my mothers worst enemy, same thing happened with her, I say as I slouched back on my seat. "Have you ever been hit, Barbara?" I ask while looking her right in the eyes.

"No, can we get back to your childhood," she tells me and I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, can we? I'm just trying to get to know my forensic psychologist... you are going to be seeing me for a few months after all, or so I believe. How about after this whole thing is done, when you let me out, I can take you out to dinner, like old times?" I say while smiling and she shakes her head.

"I'm married, I'm not interested in you," she says making me jealous, and I remark, "Oh you will be soon, and I've killed a married woman before, she was having an affair with her husband with me, killed them both. You should have seen the position I left them in," I laugh.

"Jason," she says, and I interrupt her, "Please, I prefer Mr. McCann, it makes me feel superior to you. Do you like being submissive Barbara? I love being very dominant, I think I could teach you a few things. Like not refusing to tell me about yourself," I tell her and she sets her pen down.

"I'm Hungarian, I'm twenty-five years old, I have my doctorates degree in psychology," "Doctor?!" I interrupt her pretending to be very impressed and ignore the fact that it is her. "Oh Doctor, I have a very bad case of wanting to fuck you, would you care and help me out?" I say making her very uncomfortable.

"Are you as they say, hot and bothered Barbara?" I ask her in a teasing voice. "Please don't say inappropriate comments to me," she says and I laugh. "Oh c'mon, the other people around here won't have to know," I whisper and she shakes her head. "About your childhood Jason," she asks me and I roll my eyes.

I bite my nail and I spit out a small piece onto the floor. "It makes me very anxious talking about my childhood. Can we talk about something else," I say and she takes a deep breath. It made me laugh at how easy it was to make her angry. "Scream my name, maybe I'll tell you about it," I say smirking and she squints her eyes at me.

"No fucking, not yet, just want to hear you scream my name," I say with a smirk and she stands up. "Sit down," I order her and she looks at me. "Now," I demand her and she does so. I lean forward on the metal table and I whisper, "How would you like to feel my hands around your neck as I fuck you Barbara? I know I'd love it."

She then asks me, "Your childhood Jason," and I roll my eyes. "Oh for the love of god. I told you about everything what else do you need to know?!" I say becoming frustrated and she says, "A whole lot more than what you've told me Jason." "Alright fine, ask away," I say and she thanks me. "Did you have many friends growing up?" She asks me and I shake my head. "They all thought I was creepy and had anger issues. I once tried to hang a kid on a tree with a jump rope, that was pretty fun," I say laughing and she writes it down on her notepad.

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