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Authors Note: please bare with me as I literally know nothing about how court cases are handled and what kind of language they use. So if this chapter sounds a bit off to what a regular case goes like, just know I tried skksks. Okay bye.

Jason's POV
"Alright Jason, today's the big day," Ana tells me as she smiled at me. We met up at the courthouse where I'll be let out. It took a long process, but thank god I'll be out now. Even though Ana and I do have a rocky relationship, we have managed to work things out, and we just want what is best for one another. She has helped me in ways I could have never imagined, and I'm glad she wants to continue to do the same.

I'm also glad that we're close, because she's been telling me about the emotional abuse Justin has been putting her through, and I hope I can make her happy. I hope we can restart what began years ago and we can become a happy couple once and for all.

"McCann, please come to the court room," I hear as we sat in the waiting room and Ana smiles at me. I stand up with handcuffs wrapped around my wrists and I walk to the courtroom. I was led to a table where I then sat down. Ana soon came in and she sat next to me.

More people came in and soon enough it began.

The judge began to speak so the room all looked at him. "Today we are holding the case of Amanda Jones who is not here to testify, but we do have a lawyer brought by her family and husband, and we have Jason McCann as the suspect, with his attorney Ana Palvin," he begins and I could see the woman's husband looking at me.

He also glares at Ana but she still stood high, looking like she knew what she was doing. "We will first have Mrs. Jones lawyer come to the stand," the judge says and a tall dark man comes to defend her. He clears his throat. "Good morning everyone," he says with a small smile. "Today I'm going to be defending Mrs. Amanda Jones who unfortunately is not here with us today. But I first off want to start out with who she was as a person. I've known Amanda for years, she was a very kind hearted woman, she just wanted to pursue her dreams. And unfortunately, she couldn't do so," he begins and I was internally rolling my eyes.

If she wanted to pursue her dreams so badly, then why was her company failing horribly?

"She fought for her life in its last few moments. Brutally murdered and raped," the lawyer said and I furrow my eyebrows. "I didn't rape her," I say and Ana looks at me, telling me with her eyes to stay put. "When she was found, and taken into the hospital, it was confirmed that Jason McCann's sperm was inside of her," he says I suppose as his evidence.

But there is no visual evidence of me killing her, maybe I just had sex with her? I hope the judge can see that.

"While Jason was being questioned, I went ahead and visited his job, and many women have said that they felt very uncomfortable with this man around. Others say he had his own manipulative ways, some saying he seemed like a psychopath," the lawyer said and I had to hold in my laugh as I knew exactly which women had said those things.

"While his lawyer may defend that his disorder is an excuse for his crime, I say he needs to he put in jail. It is only obvious that this man has killed the victim, and he should not be free with other people who are uncomfortable with him being around. I also went ahead and looked into this mans criminal records, and he has been charged for many other murders and crimes throughout his entire life," he says and I could tell Ana became a bit anxious about this.

She began lightly rubbing her hands on the sides of her thighs discretely making me nervous as I was now curious what her argument was. But I trust her to do her job right. And to do what I want.

"I firmly believe he should be charged for not only Amanda's crime, but for him being a constant disturbance to the others around him. He is a dangerous man as we can see, and we should lock him up in prison before he hurts anyone else. That is all, thank you," he says as he then leaves the stand.

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