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Jason's POV
"Why don't we go over this with some dinner? I'd love to have you come over to my place and we can have some fun in my bedroom," I tell the woman as she leaned against the wall. She pulls on my tie and our lips smash against one another. My hand caressed her thigh and she pulls it up, as she places it against my torso.

"Mr. McCann!" I hear an unfamiliar voice call me and I back away from the woman. I straighten out my suit and fix my tie, slightly angry that she had messed it up, and loosened it. Just as I was about to open the door, it slams open and I see a female police officer at the door.

"Hands on the glass table," she demands me with a gun at my face, she was referring to the glass desk I had. I walk to the desk and I lean against it with my hands on it. She patted my body down checking for weapons. She then takes out the pocket knife I had and I look at her.

"Is there a problem?" I ask her and she orders me to put my hands behind my back. As she handcuffed me, I say, "Well this is unusual. Normally I'm the one to do the handcuffing." "Mr. McCann, what is going on here?" The client asks and the police replies, "He's under arrest for being a suspect of murdering a woman." "Excuse me? I haven't murdered anyone," I lie and she pulls me against her chest as we then leave the room.

"You've got the wrong man, why on earth would I murder someone?" I ask, when I can have a whole book of reasons why I'd kill a woman. "You'll have to answer that to the forensic psychologist and judge," she tells me and she sat me in the back seat. As she got in I sigh as I looked down at my suit.

"Enough whining," she says in frustration. "Well I'd stop whining, but my suit is very wrinkled from your aggressive gestures," I say and she rolls her eyes as we then drive off.

We arrive to the dark jail center, and the officer flashed a light down the dark hallway. She then opens a room where a metal table sat in the middle, and a light bulb gently swung back and forth over the metal table. "Sit down, the forensic psychologist will be here soon," she tells me and I sit down.

"Barbara, Ima need you to come down," the officer speaks through the walkie-talkie. "Be there in a second," I hear the woman reply with an accent. Hungarian I assume. Her voice sounded rather familiar. The officer then leaves the room and she walked down the hall.

Looking around, I notice the file cabinets, the big window on the wall to the right, and a separate door that lead to a bathroom. I then hear the sound of high heels walking down the cemented floor of the jail. I then fix my suit to look presentable as I waited for the woman to appear.

The door creaks open and the woman herself appears

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The door creaks open and the woman herself appears. "Good evening Jason, I'm Dr. Palvin, or Barbara if you prefer to call me by my first name, whichever is fine with me," she introduces herself with a smile, and I smile at her but I then make a confused face.


She then turns to the side, I notice a scar on her neck, the same one I have after I hung myself almost five years ago.

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