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Barbara's POV
Maybe he's right, maybe I haven't been able to fully help my patients. No, he's lying so I can think I'm not doing my job correctly. So I can question my worthiness of a forensic psychologist. So I can feel small, and hopeless. That he'll one day make me lose my mind, and let him be set free because I believed he was helped.

"...but one thing I did enjoy from today was that I think I've found a new hobby!" My patient Angel tells me, his words thankfully wave my thoughts away. "Oh really? That's great Angel, I'm glad to hear that. What is this new hobby?" I ask him while smiling to brighten up his mood. He is a patient who had major depression when I first met him, it was developed when his step father killed his mother, and he was soon admitted here after he killed his mother's killer.

"I've been writing poetry," he tells me and I nod my head. "Great, may I ask what about?" I ask and he tells me they're about his depression, and his late mother. "I think if I really want to get better, I have to help myself. And being able to write about my feelings I think is the best outlet," he tells me and I smile at him. "You've come such a long way Angel, I'm sure your mother is very proud of you," I say and he nods while smiling. I then look down at my clipboard to write that he's gotten better along with the date next to it.

So you think.

"Excuse me?" I ask Angel as I raise my head. "Hm?" He says and I furrow my eyebrows. "I didn't say anything," he says and I blink a few times and shake my head as I then look down at my notes. "I'm just tired I think," I say while laughing and he gently laughs along. "How about next session you can let me see the poetry? I'd just like to see what you're thinking about when you write," I ask him and he nods his head while smiling. "I think that's a good idea," he says and I smile at him.

"Alright, is there anything else you'd like to talk about?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Then I think our session is done," I smile at him and he tells me bye as he then leaves the room.

He's lying.

"I really need sleep," I tell myself as I could hear Jason's voice telling me things in my head. It's like he's taken over the voice of my conscious and he's telling me these negative things. But it's just me allowing his words to take over my mind. It's just me overthinking because of what he said.

"He's getting better," I tell myself referring to Angel, "he has to be," I add on and I close my folder.

Jason's POV
"Oh is that so?" I reply to an old man who was schizophrenic as he was telling me a story from when he was homeless. "Those people just pass by you like nothing! They say we bother them, I just want to have food in my mouth once a day, I'm not asking for your whole bank account," he tells me and I nod my head as I was becoming annoyed.

We were sitting at the cafeteria having some lunch, today we were eating turkey. From the corner of my eye I see someone standing as they had their eyes on me. I look to my right and I smile when I see it was Barbara. "Alright buddy, I got to go..." "And that's why the roller coaster wasn't working!" He blabbers on and I mumble, "Mhm, make sure you tell the leprechaun to let you in for free next time." I stand up from my seat and I throw away my tray of food.

I then walk to Barbara, "I see you were having a nice conversation with Edward," she tells me as we then walk away from the cafeteria and I raise my eyebrow. "That's his name? God he doesn't shut up, I couldn't even ask him for his name before he started talking about nonsense," I say as we walked down the hall that led to her office.

"Why hasn't he been admitted to a mental hospital?" I ask her as she opens the door to her office. "Edward just came in last week, and he accidentally murdered someone while they were in their car because he believed they were coming after him," she tells me and I roll my eyes as I sat down in the same metal chair. "Paranoid schizophrenic? Is it true he used to work at an amusement park?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders, "I haven't gotten the chance to ask him about it," she replies.

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