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Justin's POV
"Then bail me the fuck out of here so I can see my damn kids!" I hear Ana yell through the phone making my heart drop. I made her angry again.

I throw my phone on the glass table and I cover my face with my hands as I let out a muffled scream. "Why do you have to make things so fucking difficult," I say rubbing my face as my eyes watered and I whimpered.

"Daddy," I hear Jackson's soft voice call me. I look over my shoulder as I sat at the dining table and I see him standing by the staircase. I turn in my seat and I extend my arms out to him so he could come to me. "What are you doing awake champ? Come over here buddy," I ask him pretending to be alright as he walks to me. I then pick him up and place him on my lap, he sniffles. "I heard you were mad," he tells me as he leans his head on my chest and I squeeze him feeling bad that he heard us arguing.

"Dad is always mad at something now isn't he?" I sniffle to lighten the mood and he softly laughs. "Your sister isn't awake either is she?" I whisper as I ran my hand through his hair and I hear little pats on the tile floor telling me Melanie was also awake. "Up," she says with grabby hands as she stood in front of me and I pick her up. With both of them on my lap I squeezed them.

"Your beard is itchy," Jackson says making me laugh as I only had a small beard coming in. "You look old now," Melanie says and I shake my head with a smile. "I look like I could be your grandpa huh?" I say and they say "ewww" in sync making me laugh.

"You guys are bullies," I say and they laugh to themselves. "I love you guys," I say and they hug my torso with their delicate hands and arms. "I love you too daddy... but I love ice cream more!" Melanie says making me smile. "Aw, I come after ice cream? What about you Jackson?" I say and he stays quiet for a moment. "I love you too, but I also like chocolate milk," he says and I shrug my shoulders as the kid did love his chocolate milk every morning.

"I wonder if your mother loves me more than anything," I joke and I felt like I was literally attacking my reality. "Isn't that what you guys are married for?!" Melanie says. "Cause you guys love each other a lot," she says with a smile and I smile back at her. "Yes we do," I tell her even though I wanted to burst into tears from how hard our relationship has been recently.

"When I get marri-" "Woah buddy, slow down, you're not getting married any time soon, don't worry about it," I interrupt Jackson with a laugh making him cross his arms telling me he was angry. I shake my head. "I'm joking Jackson, go ahead," I let him speak. "When I get married, I want it to be of Spongebob!" He says making me raise my eyebrows at him. "Your wife will not be happy to hear that," I say and he furrows his eyebrows. "Why not?!" He says and I softly laugh. "It's for kids, when you get older you'll understand," I reply.

"Can mine be of Rapunzel?" Melanie asks and I laugh. "That's for kids too Mel," I say and she makes a frown. "Well what was the theme of yours and mommy's wedding?" Jackson asks me. "We went for a forest kind of look, for the after party," I say and they just look at me. "I proposed to your mom around a bunch of trees so we kinda went off of that idea," I say and Melanie says "ohhh," making me smile at her adorableness.

"What time is it?" I say as I turn my wrist to myself and see on my watch that it was a few minutes to midnight. "Oh my god, you guys need to go to sleep," I say as I patted their backs so they can get off of my lap. "But Daddy," Jackson whines and I say "no butts," as I grabbed my phone and I scoot the chair under the table.

"Come on, you guys have school tomorrow morning... and I have a meeting," I mumble the last part in annoyance. "Tonight, come on," I say as they both were moping to get back in bed. I grab them both and put them over my shoulders making them laugh and I go running up the stairs. "We gotta go to bed, yes please tonight, we got a long day a head, don't put up a fight," I sing as I ran along the stair case making them laugh hysterically.

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