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Ana's POV
"Why didn't you tell me?" I cry hysterically to Justin through the jail phone as everything was coming back all at once. "How was I supposed to tell you Ana?!" Justin tells me and I cried hard through the phone. "How long have you been putting the medication in my drinks?" I ask and he replies, "four years," and I sniffle as more tears came in.

"Ana there's just a lot I need to tell you, and I'm sorry I had not told you sooner," he cries through the phone. "What is it?!" I ask eager to know.

"You fell into a deep depression after you thought Jason had killed himself. He didn't succeed at killing himself... as you could see... he got help after his close death. I wanted to tell you, to give you some kind of relief, but I thought you releasing him from your life would finally help you feel happy again. And you finally were, you were just Barbara... not Ana anymore," He says and I sobbed.

"You were so depressed Ana, and you had been so stressed out all these years, I couldn't just let you go chase after him again," he tells me while crying and I nod my head. "I understand," I say as I was still in shock. "I'm so sorry I slapped you, I was afraid you were going to fall in love with him again, I do not want you to relive the hell he put you through," he explains and I shake my head.

"I'm sorry I stabbed you," I say and he answers, "honestly, I deserved it," he says trying to make a joke. But nothing could make me laugh right now.

"You had a miscarriage a few months after Jason hung himself, from how depressed and stressed out you were. And then you hung yourself. The psychologist said your depression was so bad that you had forgotten what was eating your mind away, and you had forgotten about a lot of things after your close suicide. You had thought Melanie's name was Valerie at first, I wanted to correct you on your own name, but I thought it was just your mind starting fresh," he informs me and I shake my head as I could not stop the crying.

"Ana you need to get out of there," he tells me and I bite my lip. "I can't," I say as my voice cracked. "I'm going to stay in here for so long, I have to help out Jason to shorten my sentence, I really want to help him out, it's the least I can do for him" I admit and he sighs. "You're fucking kidding me, I knew you would go back to the same bullshit once he came back into your life," he says and I whimper.

"I'm sorry," I say and he hangs up making my heart drop. "Justin?" I say and I attempt to call the number but he does not answer. "Justin," I whimper as I called him again and he would not answer. I slammed the phone to the wall in anger.

I begin screaming at the top of my lungs in complete anger that an officer comes running to me. "GET ME OUT!" I scream and he carries me away into the back of the prison. Where all the crazy people went.

"No, I'm not crazy!" I scream as I was trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp. "No!" I yell as I see the white room, the asylum room as we called. He throws me in and I attempt to run out but I hit the metal door that he slammed in my face.

"Please!" I beg of him to release me while slapping the thick metal door but he ignores me as he walks away. I had just been hit with all of this shock, and now I'm going to be put in a room that makes me feel even more insane, that will flood me with my own thoughts.

How could anyone stay in this room for so long?

Jason's POV
I heard Ana crying and it made me smile. To know that everything she had put me through, was now coming back to her. "She left you alone again?" An office asks me as he opens the door to the office. "Yup, she's crazy huh?" I comment and he ignored me as he helps me to stand up as I could not use my arms. We walk to my asylum room and I plop myself on the bed.

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