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Jason's POV
Placing the spoonful of cereal in my mouth I then chew as I sat alone at a table in the huge cafeteria. Normally Ana would sit with me, but I assume she was mad at me since I told the investigator where the body was.

They'll either find him and take Ana in, with her DNA on him, or call me crazy and I'll stay as a patient of Ana's. Either way, I don't mind. As long as I have someone in my life who cares about me.

Which is why I haven't escaped this place, because if I do again, and I get caught, I could probably be sent elsewhere. Somewhere away from Ana. The one person who doesn't treat me like some lunatic.

"Hey," a male voice calls behind me and I hesitatingly turn around. "Yes?" I ask and I see a male about my age. "You're the guy that escaped the prison with the psychologist right?" He says and I already knew where this was headed.

"Could yo-" "Before you ask, no I will not tell you how to get out of here," I say and his face drops. "Well why not?" He says as he shoves me making me almost fall off the table but I held onto it. "I don't want any trouble, please just leave me alone," I say and he shoves me again.

"Tell me!" He says and I shake my head, saying nothing as I was afraid I would anger him even more. "Please just leave me alone," I say and he slams my head on the table making me hyperventilate as he kept it on there. "I'm going to ask you one more time," he says in my face and I began panicking.

"I-The ba-" "NOW!" He yells in my face as he slammed my head on the table and I wince in pain. He then holds my head up so I could look at him and I began to doze off from the hits to the head.

He then grabs my tray and he slaps my face with it making me fall back off the chair. I held myself up from my right elbow as I rubbed my left cheek in pain. I shake my head, telling him to stop. "Come on!" He says asking for me to tell him the location of the exit.

He then gets on top of me as he begins throwing punches at my face and I attempt to cover my face but I felt so weak to successfully do so. "No!" I say wishing he would stop.

Look at you, getting what you deserve.

You're too weak to even fight back.

He's hitting you just like your mother did.

Doesn't it feel nice?

I became angry as I then grabbed onto his neck and I gave it a hard squeeze. "Die," I say with gritted teeth and I could see fear in his eyes. I throw him off to the side as I then got on top of him and I began choking him even harder. "Die!" I say as his face began turning blue and I hear footsteps behind me.

"Jason!" I hear as I then feel a stab at my neck.

The same one I felt five years ago.

My eyes became heavy and I fell off to the side.


Waking up, I see lights around me and I hear a few muffled voices only picking up bits and pieces of their sentences. "Yes... been here... years ago..." I hear a female voice say. "... triggered... the hitting was... don't think... stable again," I hear the voice say, only hearing bits and pieces. "Best therapy... the electric... take it out of him..." I hear a male voice say and the other voice gasps. "Please don't... get better..." she says and the male replies with, "elsewhere... dangerous with him..."

I turn my head and I see the white walls and the two talking bodies. "Ana?" I breathe out and I see the body come closer. "Where am I?" I whisper very faintly as I was too drowsy to speak properly.

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