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Ana's POV
"And the airplane goes in!" I say with a deep voice as I fed Jackson a fork of eggs with spinach. "Mom, I'm not 2 years old," he says with a full mouth and I laugh at him making him embarrassed. "Well how else will you eat your vegetables?" I say and he takes a sip of his chocolate milk.

"Sweetheart I'll wash the dishes today alright," Justin tells me and I smile at him. "And I'll help!" Melanie says with her arms up in the air full of excitement making me smile. "Hey, you always help dad out with the dishes, it's my turn," Jackson says with a frown as he then folds his arms across his chest. "Well, Jackson does have a point Mel," Justin says and Melanie frowns giving Justin puppy dog eyes. "Oh just like your mama huh?" Justin says making me release a soft laugh.

"How about we all help out mommy with the dishes then? All three of us," Justin says as he looks at them and they both nod as they agreed with Justin's idea. "Thank you for breakfast my honey bunny," Justin says as he leans in for a kiss and our lips connect. "Ew!" Jackson says and we both laugh in between the kiss making us separate.

"Alright, lets get washing, mama has stuff to do," Justin says and he stands up to collect the plates and cups from the glass table. I stand up and I scoot the chairs in for the kids and Justin. Grabbing a glass cup from the cupboard next to the fridge, I fill it up with some water. I then go to upstairs and walk into mine and Justin's room.

I run my fingers over the pink glass that laid over the dresser as I set the glass cup on the dresser next to the pink peonies. Slowly pouring the water into the vase I stop just before the soil becomes muddy.

"Careful, she doesn't know how to swim," Justin says making me giggle. "But she sure knows how to bloom," I say softly touching the petals of the flower. Justin walks to me as he stands behind me and he hugs me from behind. He rests his chin on my shoulder and he plants a kiss on my cheek making me smile.

"I'm proud of you," he tells me and I turn my head to look at him. "I love you," I say and he smiles. "I love you," he sings making me smile with my teeth. "How did I get so lucky to get someone like you in my life," he says and I kiss him. "That didn't answer my question," he says making me laugh and I playfully roll my eyes.

He lets me go and he stands next to me as he looks at our girls ashes. "Daddy, can I take some Oreos to school?" Jackson comes in asking and we both turn our head to him. "No more than 2," Justin says and he smiles as he then frantically ran down the hall to go get hopefully just two cookies.

"I'll take the kids if you want me to," Justin says and I nod my head. "Alright, yeah that's fine. I need to get home early today anyways," I tell him and he smiles with a confused face as he asks "why?"

"I don't know maybe I'm going to set up the bed with some decoration for tonight and put some things on," I say and he laughs. "Woman you live to tease me," he says as he leans in to kiss me. "What's the occasion? Did I forget something?" He says as his head moves in a whiplash making me laugh. "No, you didn't miss anything," I say laughing and he let's out a breath of relief and exaggerates as he wipes imaginary sweat from his forehead.

"Should I put on some lingerie too?" He asks me making me laugh and he laughs along with me. "Hey, I bet I would look amazing in lingerie," he says and I gently pinch his side making him laugh as it tickled him. "Alright, I think I should be taking the kids by now," he says as he checks his watch on his left wrist. He lets me go and we face each other.

I look into his eyes and could not help but smile. "What are you thinking about..." he says and I shake my head as I smiled. "Oh your tie!" I say as I remembered I needed to make it. I look into his dresser to find one. "Hmmm... black or white?" I ask as I pulled out two ties of that color. He was wearing a burgundy button up long sleeve shirt with black slacks. "I'd say black," he says and I nod my head as I then put the white one back in the drawer.

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