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Justin's POV
"I mean, Ana said that the patient had severe depression, that's what was reported. As far as I'm concerned, I believe it was a suicide. Sure the husband has schizophrenia, but there isn't any evidence insinuating that he is the killer," I tell Hailey as we were working on a case together. "But what about the bruises on her arm?" "Those were shots from a needle Hailey, she was a drug addict, specifically heroine, it was in her system when she was found dead," I tell her. "And the bruises on her neck Justin?" "She hung herself," "Or, he strangled her to death..." she says and I shake my head as we both had opposing views on this case.

"We'll see, we just have to look into a few more things and see what decision we can make," I say as I sigh. "Let's move on to the next case, this one is giving me a headache," I say and Hailey stands up to get another file from the file cabinet. "How about the one that had a phobia of water?" "Ah... yeah that one should be fine..." I say and I feel my phone vibrating. I suppose it was Ana as it was around the time she would get her break. Normally she would message me though, not call.

I get my phone and I see it was an unknown caller. I furrow my eyebrows and I answer it anyways. "Hello Mr. Bieber, this is the hospital of San Francisco calling you to let you know that your wife is currently in one of our rooms receiving heart surgery," "What?! What happened? Is she dead?" I interrupt the young woman mid sentence. "I'm not sure, I haven't heard anything about her recovery process and I'm not supped to, I was just advised to let you know," she tells me and I began panicking. "Okay, thank you, I'll be there soon," I say and I hang up before she could even say anything.

"Is everything okay?" Hailey asks as I was scrambling to get my things and she sets the file on the table. "Ana is in the hospital," I say as my eyes began to water as I was worried she was going to die. "Tell Miguel I'll cover your shift tomorrow and I'll work on these cases first thing in the morning," I say as I wrapped my jacket around myself and I put arms through the sleeves.

"I'm sorry Hailey, I'll do both our parts tomorrow I promise," I say as I shoved my laptop in my case and I leave the room slamming the door behind me.


"Ana Bieber?" I ask the man at the front counter and he points to the left saying, "room F2" he says and I nod my head as I walk over to the hall. I see E18, E19, F1, and at last F2. I peak my head in and I see Ana laying on the bed with a breathing mask on. The sight made my heart break.

"Ana," I whisper as I walked in and stopped next to her bed. "What happened?" I ask shakily as her medical dress was open in the middle and she had a white cloth covered in blood on her chest. I supposed she was stabbed or something on the chest. I sniffle as she looked pale.

I look around the room as I saw no one else in there. I grab a chair that leaned against the wall and I set it next to her. I sit down and I gently hold her cold hand. "You're not dead are you?" I say as if she could just magically wake up in an instant. I gently brush my thumb over the back of her hand to not hurt her.

I hear someone coming in and I see a female doctor. "Hi... are you her husband?" She asks me and I nod my head. "Oh alright, so good news, she is doing just fine, she just lost a lot of blood on her way here," she informs me. "So she's not going to die right?" I ask and she shakes her head no making me feel relief as my shoulders felt relaxed now.

"What happened?" I ask her. "A patient at the asylum she was working in stabbed her with I believe a shattered glass cup, he was actually found unconscious," she says and my blood boiled. "He's staying in here?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Where is he?" I ask as I already knew it was probably Jason. "I'm sorry, I can't disclose any information about our patients here," she says and I see a nurse and a male patient walking down the hall. "So you don't feel any loss of balance correct?" She asks him and the familiar voice replies, "no."

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