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Jason's POV
"Barbara what does a man have to do to get some shaving cream around here, I got some really bad irritation going on on my face," I say sitting down on the same metal chair as I rubbed my chin with my shoulder. "There is soap," she replies as she was looking around her file cabinets for my file.

"I swear, my assistant is always messing up my files," she says in frustration as she couldn't find my file. I laugh and say, "It's right there," as I saw it laying on top of the cabinet. "Where?" She asks and I nod my head to point at the top of the metal file cabinet. "When did I take it out?" She asks me as she then shuts the drawers closed. "Some few minutes ago, it's funny to watch you lose your mind," I say laughing and she rolls her eyes as she then sits in front of me.

"Did you know I'm double jointed on my shoulders?" I tell Barbara and she shakes her head. "I had no idea. I can put my leg behind my head," she tells me to make conversation and I laugh. "Why on earth would you tell me that? You know how bad that makes me want to fuck you now?" I tell her while tilting my head and she shuts her eyes as she was annoyed by my comment.

"Go on Barbara, do your trick and I'll do mine," I say and she shakes her head no. "I'd like to ask you if have any difficulty talking to the people here?" She asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "I mean I can talk to people, that's why I'm a CEO. But when I talk to people, I'm just analyzing them if I'm being honest," I reply and I notice Barbara tense up.

"Even you," I say and she doesn't respond. "What Barbara? Is that something you've thinking about for a while? Me getting into your head or something? Oh you've got to be crazy to think that," I say laughing just to make her go mad.

"Speaking of analyzing you, it seems you are trying to impress me?" I say and she furrows her eyebrows. "Excuse me?" She says and I smirk. "Does your husband know you left the house without an undershirt on? And that you wore a push-up bra along with a shirt that very well shows your cleavage?" I ask her and she embarrassingly pulls up her shirt making me laugh.

"You also got a hair cut, and that red lipstick looks very attractive on you," I add on and she tells me to please stop. "Well didn't you want me to not compliment you?" I ask and she blurts, "No!" "No you didn't not want me to compliment you?" I ask to make her confused and she furrows her eyebrows as she scoffs in frustration. "God I can't ever go through one regular fucking session with you!" She says as she stands up from her chair and she leaves the room, slamming the door shut.

"I guess I won't compliment you then," I tell myself as I laugh at her storming off. "I can't get anything done with him!" I hear her tell one of the officers and I bite the inside of my cheek.

Maybe I went too far?

Oh well, she's losing her mind maybe then she'll get me out of here.

She then walks back in and asks me, "If you don't want to respond to my questions, like a grown man, what do I have to do to get you out?" I smirk. "Don't set yourself up for that kind of question Barbara," I say and her eyes water.

She then walks to me, and she leans to me. I could tell she was weak at this point. "All I'm asking, is that you help me, help you. That's all Jason. You want to get out of here right?" She asks me and I nod my head. "Then please, just please, help me finish your case. As I told you in the beginning, the sooner I can finish the notes and give you mental therapy, the quicker I can get you into court and get you out!" She yells and I sigh as I gave in. "Alright, well if I'm being honest, sometimes I do have a hard time talking to the people around me in here, only because I don't know their intentions," I admit and she smiles as she releases a breath of relief.

She then hugs me and I awkwardly stood there as I was in my straight jacket.

"Okay good," she says as she then sits down on her seat in front of me. "But other times, I'm just a listener. I like to figure out, kind of assume how people are. It amazes me at times when my assumptions are correct," I say and she writes it down in her notes.

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