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Justin's POV
Once they took him, I told the kids to go put their shoes on. "We're going to go get mom?" Jackson asks and I nod my head as I scrambled around to find some shoes to put on. Once I have them on and the kids are ready we run to the car and I drive to the woods where we found them.

It was a bit of a drive, but once I get there, I parked on the side and got out. The kids were sleeping, so I locked the car and I got my flashlight. I walked away for a few moments, looking back at the car to make sure I was close. I then step into some loose soil, and I shine the flash light on the floor. I realize it was a huge amount of soil that was a loose.

"Ana!" I shout as I drop my flash light and I bend down to my knees as I quickly began digging. "Ana!" I shout again as I continued digging some more. I then see the soil moving upward making my eyes water as she was alive. "Ana!" I yell out and I faintly hear her calling me.

I dig more and the soil begins spreading around as Ana kicked at it I assume. I dug more quickly and I hit a base. I wipe away the excess dirt and I see that a pieces of cardboard was covering her. "Ana can you hear me?" I say and she kicks the cardboard again, making the bottom half of it move up. I was able to reach in and grab it out and I see Ana all tied up in the ditch.

I quickly help her out of it, and once I have her next to me I began crying as so did Ana. I quickly untied her and once she was free she hugs me as she sobbed over my shoulder and I held her tightly. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you," I cry to her as I squeezed her and she shakes in my hold from crying. "I thought I lost you," I cry to her and she tries to calm down as she cried over my shoulder.

"You're okay right? He didn't do anything to you?" I ask her and she moves her head from my shoulder and she shakes her head. "I love you Justin, you know I didn't cheat right?" She tells me and I nod my head. "I know now. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you," I tell her and she sniffles. "I'm so sorry Ana," I say as I felt so bad for not believing her, causing her to almost die.

"You don't need to go to the hospital do you?" I ask her as we stood up and she told me no. "Where are the kids?!" She asks me and I tell her that they were in the car sleeping. "Let's go," she tells me and we walk back to the car. I could tell she was still shook up about it.

We get to the car and Ana slowly opens the back door as the kids were leaning on one another, sleeping. "It's okay," she tells me, to not wake them up but I did it anyways as I knew it would put a smile on her face and theirs too.

"Wake up," I whisper to them as I slightly shake their arms and she wake up. "Hm?" Jackson says and I tell him to look. He then turns his head and he wakes up Melanie too as he slightly runs to Ana to hug her. Melanie joins in, and Ana gives them a squeeze and releases a breath of relief. "Mommy's right here," she says and she gives them a kiss on their heads.

"We're going home okay? You guys can go back to sleep," Ana tells them and she closes the back door as she then goes to the passenger seat. I turn on the car and we begin driving back to the house. We were close to home, and she wasn't talking much.

We were having small conversations here and there and I know she was extremely happy, there was no doubt it that, she just seemed off. "You okay?" I ask her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze and she nods her head. "I'm fine, I just... that was so traumatizing," she says and I looked at her. "I'm sorry," I tell her as I didn't know what to say.

"I didn't think you were going to come," she says quietly and I looked at her. It broke my heart to hear that from her. "You know I'll always love you," I tell her and she nods her head as she sniffles. "I know Justin. I was just accepting that I was going to die. This all doesn't even feel real to be honest. I'm scared I'm dreaming," she says and I shake my head.

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