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Third POV
As wanted, Rosa and Jason lived their lives together making one another happy. Jason was finally able to find his happy place, within himself. They ended up getting married, having a beautiful daughter named Rosie McCann. Rosalía worked as a lawyer fighting for the justice of the mentally ill and Jason continued on being the CEO of his company.

Ana and Justin worked things out, the only argument from them being which episode of the office to binge watch on a Saturday night. Hailey and Ana actually ended up mending things. Hailey found love with an amazing man and remarried. All four of them along with Ariana and Malcom would hang out frequently brining all of their kids to have their play dates.

Jose was finally able to see his kids, and began painting as an outlet for his schizophrenia becoming a famous painter. Drawing out visions of his wife and his pain as well.

Nathalie found comfort with the family she had around her that included her siblings and her parents. She founded a health department for women who have lost children in any way, to help them cope with their loss. Ana would join it every Sunday morning.

Every one had their own battles to deal with, but in the end, they came out stronger. We become stronger from facing our problems and doing our best to overcome them day by day.

To those who have mental health issues, we are all human and deserve to see those better days. It is a constant battle, but it is possible to win the fight. Never give up the fight. There is always the light at the end of the tunnel. When you're in the dark, always remind yourself, fighting and keeping my faith for better days is what will help get me out.


so what did you guys think about this sequel?

Did you feel somewhat inspired by this chapter and the story as a whole?

How do you feel about the message of the story?

Have an amazing day, always smile :) 💜

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