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Ana's POV
"This is weird, you haven't called me in for about two weeks," an inmate of mine named Nathalie tells me. "Yes I know, I'm really sorry, I have just been really busy with this new case I've got," I tell her as she sits down on the chair across from me. "Even though I have been busy, I still want to check up on all of my people, how have you been?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders. "I've been okay I guess, Dylan has been a bit fussy though," she tells me, Dylan being an infant she sees in one of her many schizophrenic hallucinations.

Nathalie had actually given birth, but her son was delivered stillborn. The stress and depression she had after having to bury her own child caused her to develop schizophrenia as well as very bad anxiety. Her version of Dylan was actually a baby blanket she carried around, a blanket she was supposed to carry her child in.

I guess it was her coping mechanism to everything that had happened, having the one thing that reminded her of what it was like being pregnant, and being excited to hold her child in her arms one day.

And out of everything she went through with the traumatic delivery, her boyfriend tried to blame the whole thing on her. And that resulted into an argument where the boyfriend began hitting her, and she ended up killing him after hearing the voices in her head repeatedly saying "do it" referring for her to kill him.

"He really likes the tator tots," she smiles as she looks at the wrapped blanket. "Don't you sweetheart," she says as she rubs the blanket, I assume it was her rubbing his cheeks. "One time I almost dropped him in the sink, the floor was dirty and I couldn't sleep that day, I had orange juice in the morning, I think that's why he's been crying a lot lately," she tells me, her world salad coming out.

"Do you want me to tell the guards that they should give you guys socks?" I ask and she replies, "I really love Christmas, I lost my earrings that day... and Dylan doesn't like them all too much, he says the socks tickles his feet." I nod my head and I write a few notes in my report.

Now that I think about it... why on earth are these people being put in prison while we decide where they should be correctly placed? It is illogical, because this can only make their mental disorder worse, especially with everything that goes on inside the prison walls.

"I remember his dad used to love hearing his heartbeat, and his heart had a lot of blood on it, but the mess was hard to clean especially since the water was really hot, I showered in hot water because it was raining and I was cold from being outside all day when I bought the Christmas tree and brought it home with my puppy peeing on the tree outside when I took him on a walk and that's why it's hard for me to clean my hands with hot water now," Nathalie informs me and I nod my head and I write down the important things she just said onto my notepad. Thing such as 'hot water', 'blood on heart', and 'trauma of washing hands with hot water".

"Do you think he's going to get me?" She asks me and I looked up at her worried. "Wh-" "His dad!" She says before I could finish my sentence. "I- No Nathalie, you're here safe with us," I tell her and she laughs. "He used to be a cop you know? The big lights from Christmas made the tree look so pretty, they were blue and white and red..." she mumbles and I furrow my eyebrows as she is mentioning Christmas awfully a lot right now.

"What if he comes to work here and I flush the toilet wrong and I get in trouble?!" She says and I shake my head. "Nathalie you know I would never let them hurt you here right?" I tell her and she wraps Dylan in the blanket extra tightly. "I have to go," she says as she stood up and she walks past me. "Nat-" "Good bye!" She replies and I sigh as I did not want to force her to stay with me.

"I got her," one of the guard says insinuating he was going to put her in the asylum room and I become angry. "What do you mean by 'you got her'?" I say while squinting my eyes. "Like you know anything about a mental disorder, leave her alone, she just needs some time to herself," I say as I then walk away from him.

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