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Jason's POV
Being waken up from the guards, I squint my eyes as the bright sunlight came in through a small window hitting my face. "C'mon, up!" He yells and I sleepily get up from the bed.

"I'm coming," I grumble as I walked to him, and I, along with the rest of the prisoners all make our way to the restrooms to go brush our teeth and do our morning business.

As I brushed my teeth, I looked to my right and my heart hurt as that was where Rosa was usually brushing her teeth. My eyes then widen as I realized today was visiting day, making my heart rate go crazy as I was no excited.

Hopefully I'll be able to see Rosalía today.

After breakfast, we went into a certain room where the prisoners would wait for their name to be called if they got any visitors. "McCann," I hear my name and I quickly stood up and I follow the guard to another room. The room was filled with small stations where there was phones on both sides of a clear window.

I sat down and try to look out the window to see where Rosa was. I then hear clicks on the floor and I was practically pushing my face against the glass trying to see if it was Rosa. I sat back down before they could say anything, waiting patiently.

Other guards were called in and I kept hearing the clicking of high heels. I then see Rose as she was walking in. Her long hair moving with her steps as she was being guided by a guard. She pases me and I knock hard on the glass making her turn her heard. Her eyes light up as she sees me and she smiles as she sits down.

"Jason!" I see her mouth and I grab the phone on the wall and I point to the phone. "Jason," she says as she grabbed the phone and puts it towards her ear. "Rose, you look gorgeous," I tell her as she was wearing light make up and had on a sophisticated look of clothing on.

"Thank you. I know I look weird no?" She says laughing and I shake my head. "You look amazing," I tell her. "Sorry I didn't dress up," I joke and she shakes her head laughing. "This was all I could find in the house for clothing. My lawyer clothes," she says and I just stared at her being taken away.

She was a lawyer before all of this, and luckily she was able to keep her job since they ruled her case as self defense.

"How have you been?" I ask her and she tells me okay. "Could be better, I miss you so much," she tells me and I give her a small smile. "Me too, I really hope they somehow let me out of here," I say and I could see her eyes becoming watery.

"We start our future together the day you come out," she says and I nod my head. "Of course," I tell her as I nodded my head with a smile. "They told me that another way to get me out of here is by paying hundreds of thousands of dollars," I say and she nods her head.

"I know. I'm going to pawn every piece of jewelry I have to get you out," she says and I looked at her like she was crazy. "I can't let you do that," I tell her as she told me all of her jewelry was from her parents.

"They're from your parents," "They don't care about me Jason. Only thing about these jewelry is that they're beautiful. Nothing more. I can buy more when you're out," she says and I tell her she's crazy.

"For you," she jokes and I laugh with her.

We had talked more for a few more minutes before I was told that it was time. "Already?" I say and the guard asks me to put the phone back. "I have to go okay?" I tell Rosa and her eyes drop as she became sad. "I'm sorry. Next week okay? I l-" I say before the line cuts off and Rosa tries to talk through the phone but she could not hear me.

I see a guard touch her shoulder for her to leave and I yell for him not to touch her. She quickly turns her head, I had no idea what she was saying but she looked angry as she shewed him away. She waves good bye at me and I do the same with a smile and we both walk away.

Ana's POV
Putting some files away, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in," I say as I turn to look at the door. I see Rosalía come into the room making me lightly gasp. "Rosa, how are you?" I say as I quickly walked to her and hugged her. "Good good, and you?" She asks me with a smile.

"I am great. You look amazing. How have you been since I last saw you?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders. "Not the best, but I wanted to ask you for a favor," she says with hesitation and I tell her, "of course, what can I do?" "I know you're very passionate with the inmates with mental illness in here," she begins and I nod my head. "Yes," I say.

"And I have become too. I studied law, and I am a lawyer. I was wondering if maybe, with your files and your work, we can help these inmates get out of here. The ones that are better, let them out into the world, and the ones that need help, have them be in asylums. We take it to court, will you help me?" she says and my eyes lit up and I nod my head. "Rosa, that's an amazing idea. Yes, I'll help you definitely!" I say and she smiles at me.

"Great. Let's get started then," she says and we sat down, beginning the journey of making a change for these people.

"I have a lot of files on the abuse that has occurred in this place, and also some progress for some patients since I've been helping them. Some were in asylums, and they got a lot of help," I say as I got some documents from the file cabinets. "We can use that, right?" She says and I nod my head. "As long as the patients are there, we can use the files with their consent," I say and she looks over the files.

"Do you think it's okay if I talk about my experience in here?" She asks me and I nod at her. "Absolutely, it will also make it more believable if you do so," I say and she nods her head. "I'll do it then," she says and we continued to gather the documents. I get a highlighter so I can mark what was important to say when we go to court.

"Here, read them over, and highlight what you see as the bad things about the prison," I say as I handed her a yellow highlighter and a few cases. "Okay," she says as she take the items and she begins doing so.

I hope this works out. This is what I've been wanting for so long for these people. Justice.

Author's Note: OOP, short chapter sorry lol. I didn't really know what to say for this chapter cause I'm just excited for the next one YEEEE. ANYWAYS.

How do we feel about Rosa and Ana working together on this amazing thing?

Do you agree with what they are doing?

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