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Barbara's POV
Walking away from Jason, I shudder as I could still hear him yelling for me to get him out of the cell. One of the officers runs up to me and asks me if I was hurt. "I'm fine, thank you," I reply even though I was almost attacked not too long ago. "Gonzalez I really don't think it's necessary to put him in a straight jacket," I say stopping in the middle of the hall with her.

She tells me, "You've never handled these prisoners like we have," and I roll my eyes. "He's not an animal, yes I am aware he tried to attack me, but how do you think a straight jacket makes them feel mentally? What if the poor man if claustrophobic and he feels the jacket is too tight on him and he suddenly has a panic attack because he feels as if he's unable to breathe?!" I say and she shakes her head replying, "You worry too much about them."

"At least one of us does. It's my job. You feel that you're superior to them, so you think you can control and abuse them. But you just can't do that. They're human just like us," I attempt to convince her and I could still hear Jason crying to be let out.

"You think that thing in there is like a human?" She says referring to Jason screaming. "They don't know right from wrong, why do you think they're stuck in here Barbara?" She adds on and I nod my head. "Sorry to break it to you, but you got to stop getting so attached to them, cause sooner or later, one of them might use it against you. These psychopaths know stuff, they know how to lie and manipulate. You caring for them isn't helping yourself," she tells me and I nod my head. "You're right," I say and her walkie-talkie goes off as a police officer asks for her help and she walks away.

I then follow behind her as she opened the door that separated the hall and the area where the cells were. I see Jason staring at himself through the aluminum mirror on top of the sink, and he was smiling, almost laughing. He then turns his eyes to the right and he sees me staring at him making him raise his eyebrows. "Nice to see you Barbara," he smiles making the hairs on my back rise up.

"You were lying?" I ask while walking up to him. "The crying, the whole stunt you just pulled, that was all fake?" I ask him with my eyebrows furrowed, my hands touch the bars. "Yeah you want to see me do it again?" He asks while still looking at me through the mirror. He then begins laughing and his face slowly morphs into a crying face. "Get me out," he struggles to say as he was pretending to cry. And just in a moment, his face goes back to normal and he evilly smiled at his own reflection.

"You really are gullible," he says and I hold onto the bars aggressively while saying, "bullshit, I've been working with people like you for years!" He then turns around and leans on the sink with his arms crossed. "Oh really? The schizophrenics Barbara? The people who say one day they're this person then the next they've come up with this new personality?" "Multiple personality disorder?" I inform him with my eyebrows raised and he nods his head.

"Wait... how did you know I have worked with people who have those disorders?" I ask him and he replies, "Oh come on, every morning at breakfast it seems like I'm meeting new people. One day I met some guy named Giovanni next day he was telling me his name was Francisco. Then you got Jose the schizophrenic next door who thinks his wife whom he killed five years ago is still going to visit him one of these days."

For a moment I thought he was stalking me, or just making me go crazy. He notices. "Oh Barbara, did you think I was stalking you or something?" He says as he then evilly smiles.

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