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Barbara's POV
I heard all the sirens, it made me feel insane. I sat in the back of the police car, arrested, as I watched the EMT put Justin in the ambulance and our kids were being taken away by police. The sight made me sob as they were all hurt because of me.

That bastard deserved it anyways.

"No he didn't," I tell myself as I choked on my sob while shaking my head. I wail in the backseat as I then put my face into my hands as they sat on my lap. I couldn't believe what I had done. It didn't seem to be real. Have I gone crazy?

Wiping my tears away, I look out the window and saw the ambulance driving away to the hospital. The police then opens the front door, and she sits down on the seat as her partner then sits on the passenger seat. I remained silent as we drove away from my house, leaving investigators at my house.

"You know Barbara, I find it crazy that a forensic psychologist got arrested. That's some Harley Quinn and The Joker type of shit, that does not look good for you," the police in the passenger jokes and the driver laughs. "Did you end up falling in love with a prisoner and went crazy like him?" The police asks me and I mumble, "They're not crazy." My eyes watered with tears as I remembered that was a silly argument Justin and I would have.

There was so much blood, I really hope he lives.

We reach the police station, and I become surprised when it was the same one I worked at. But I didn't say anything as I didn't care where I was put anyway.

Walking down the dark halls with them, I pass by Jason's cell and I look over at his room. We make eye contact.

"Barbara?" Jason says worriedly but I ignore him as I didn't want him seeing me. He knows now that I have committed a crime, and I'm not sure how long I'll stay in here for. It's not like I killed Justin... I hope. So it shouldn't be too long. At least not as long as a life sentence that is.

They open my cell and I walk in. "How long is a sentence for stabbing someone?" I ask the female police and she laughs, "6 months to a year," she tells me and I feel myself lose my breath for a few moments. "What?!" I say and they shush me because the other prisoners were sleeping by now. Well except for Jason from what I know of.

"No, I can't spend that long in here," I say as I begin to cry immediately. "But my husband and my kids, my house, my job!" I say and they tell me that I could still work in the prison, that maybe it'll shorten my sentence. "By how much?" I ask and they say, "As much as you want I assume, you're doing volunteer work at this point." I don't hesitate to say, "Tell the head guy here that I'll be doing it the whole time I'm in here."

"Are you sure?" One of them asks me. I think about how long the case with Jason might take considering his personality disorder and how long it will take for me to practically make him a brand new person, and then how long it will take for the court house to consider me letting him out. He's going to be the person that will help get me out of here as soon as possible with the amount of volunteer hours he'll be earning me. "Positive," I say.

"Alright, I'll let him know," she responds. "Thank you," I tell them and they walk away. "Wait!" I say and they stop. "I need to get my handcuffs removed," I say and they chuckle. "Sorry Barbara," one of them apologizes. "It's okay," I say and they walk away again once they've taken them. Removing my pajamas, I put on my jumpsuit.

I looked around me and I felt so claustrophobic in here. It was just pitch black, and only one small window to bring in some air. The floor was cold under me as I had no socks on. I sit on the bed that was chained to the wall and I felt uncomfortable.

"This isn't a bed," I shake my head as I was disappointed with the conditions they were putting these prisoners in. I close my eyes attempting to sleep, and after many hours, I was able to get some rest from this hectic night.

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