Hard morning

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Lucy's P.O.V:

I was awoken from my slumber by a chirming sound of birds.Quickly opening my eyes so that they could get used to light, after waiting for a couple of seconds I saw a beautifull sunrise.It was so peaceful and it gave me strength for everything that will happen today.Even though I loved mornings it was still hard to just get up from my "bed",actually it was just a dirty mattress,and leave security from land of dreams.But then I remembered I had to make breakfast for him.
Reluctantly I got up and quickly but quietly went downstairs in kitchen.I made some eggs and bacon hoping that maybe he will allow me to eat a bit of them.Then I looked at clock and it was already seven,my tormentor should be getting up any minute now so I went to my room in full speed and hoped he will be in good mood.Then I heard his room door' s
open.I did not even allow myself to breath but I was afraid he could hear quickening of my heart beat.I was relieved when I heard him go towards the kitchen.Still I was restless waiting for him to call me and tell me if he likes breakfast and if I could get something to eat.And than reality hit me in a form of his cold voice.

"Lucy! "

I did not dare to answer because it would mean heightening my voice and he did not like that, unfortunately that was a lesson I had learned the hard way.I went downstairs in record of 5 seconds.I was met with his cold eyes I could never tell his feelings he hid them well.

"What the hell is this thing on my plate."

"It is your b-b-breakfaast."

"You call this s*it breakfast.You useless w*ore."

"I-I am sor-ry."

"You are sorry what does that mean to me you little b*tch.No meals for you for a whole week.If I see that something is missing from the fridge I can tell you for sure you would wish to have never been born.You should be home before 3 p.m. and make some decent food we will have very important guests and if you screw up something you will not be allowed to go to school any longer.Do you understand me Lucy."

He said while every single word was laced with venom,his cold eyes made me want to disappear somewhere far away when he can not find me but I knew harsh reality I will never escape I am his eternal prisoner.

"Yes I understand father."

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