Lobomon: Warrior of Light

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Hello again all you nerds, writers, nuts and fanfiction lovers alike!! I have returned! I drew a picture Erela to give you a better idea of her appearance.

Hope you like it cause I can't draw a decent picture to save my life. And here to annouce the rights policy is Erela herself. Take it away kid.

Erela: Rubyrose645 does not own digimon frontier in anyway. She only owns me, my spirits and and any hand drawn pictures.

Thanks love. Enjoy the chapter!

Line break========

I sat on the seat of the train, whom I learned later was called a trailmon, looking out at the landscape with wonder and awe.

Just a second ago, the land was gray and covered in fire, now, through a strange light, there was a large forest connecting the gray to green trees.

Koji looked outside with me, "What is that?" He asked.

"I believe it's called a forest Koji." I answered with sarcasm.

He grimaced and sat back down. I sat down as well, but I was not at ease.

I still felt the sense of familiarity to this place, and the feeling that someone was watching me.

I soon fell asleep on Koji's shoulder, and the dreams came again.


I opened my eyes to see the starry sky again, and this time, I felt a hand hold mine.

I turned and saw the woman that was always in my dreams.

"Child," she said, "I'm glad you came to see me again."

I smiled, feeling safe with this woman, "I don't really have many choices." I said, "I always end up here when I fall asleep."

The woman chuckled and knelt down to face me.

"You really are a special child Erela." When she said my name, I was bit shocked.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, "and who are you?"

She grabbed my hands and focused her eyes on my necklace.

"I've been with you for a long time now." She said, "As for who I am, well, that time shall come soon enough dear child."

I could only stare at the woman as she vanished into the starry sky.

I wonder who she is, and what she meant by she's been with me for a long time.

Dream end========

I woke up to see that the train was pulling up to a station.

"Hey," Koji said with a slight grin, "we just arrived at a station, should we get off and take a look around?"

I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before nodding.

As we exited the trailmon, the voice from our D-tector spoke again.

"Koji Minamoto and Erela Leilani, commence your search."

"Search for what Ma'am?" I asked.

"The spirits."

"Hold on," Koji said, "how do You know our names?"

"Find the spirits, and the answers to all your questions shall be revealed."

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