Takuya and Koji's Evolution Revolution. Erela's fate.

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there!!!! Bet you didn't expect that twist in the last chapter.

Sorry there wasn't much detail there, but I was in a rush and came up with the reincarnation idea on the spot. Students that just got off of finals should know the feeling of rushing and overwork to study for finals.

I hope you all enjoy this new chapter.

Story start~~~~~~

I looked up as Cherubiemon's voice echoed through the bright room. He appeared just above Ophanimon's cage of light.

He grabbed Oryxmon by the horns and shook him violently.

"Stop!" Agunimon shouted, "What are you doing?!"

Cherubimon laughed, "Oryxmon has out lived his usefulness. He is a pawn who annoyingly led you here. His existence is no longer necessary."

Cherubimon threw Oryxmon to the ground, black lightning surrounded Oryxmon, deleting him. Not even a digiegg was left.

He was gone for good. I turned away and buried my face in Lobomon's chest.

"How novel that you are still shocked by my brutality." The dark digimon said, "I will destroy anyone to collect the spirits of the eleven legendary warriors, even you Ophanimon are not immune."

Ophanimon touched the bars of her cage, but was sgocked and pushed back.

Lowemon's anger grew, "So I was just a pawn of yours as well?!" He shouted.

Cherubimon smirked, "You were my most willing puppet, ensuring that my bidding would be carried out thouroughly. By using you, I certain that all the spirits would be here. Especially the little star child."

"You manipulated me!" Lowemon shouted angrily, "You heartless selfish creep! You even made me hurt an innocent girl who has done nothing by to save me and her friends!"

"Indeed the star child was selfless, but since she survived, it made it all the better. She can't disappear just yet. As unaware as you were of my brilliant scheme, you still turned out to be to be the best subject I've ever had. You didn't even know my plans for the star child. You saw the pathetic creatures in the lower depths of this castle? They were digimon I experimented with, but they couldn't fuse with the dark spirits the way you did."

I resisted the urge to throw up at the thought of what those digimon had to go through. This digimon was sick, and needed to be stopped.

"Ha! Unfortunately they couldn't stand up to the intensity. My experiment broke them."

"How'd you like some of you intensity back!" Lowemon charged up his attack, "Shadow Meteor!"

The ball energy hit Cherubimon, but he blocked it with his hands, laughing as the attack did nothing to him.

We all stood in shock aa the attack faded and left an uninjured Cherubimon in its wake.

"What's going on?" Lowemon asked, "Why is my attack power to weak?"

"There's no darkness in here, Koichi!" I shouted.

"Erela is right," Bokomon said, "the face that no shadows exist here, has knocked the power out of you attack."

"But how can that-"

"Silence! It time for me to take back the glorious spirit of darkness I gave you."

Cherubimon grabbed Lowemon and squeezed him tightly in his large hand.

"Oh no you won't!" Takuya shouted as he, Koji and I returned to our normal human forms.

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