The Odd One Out

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What's up nerds, weirdos, nuts, and fanfic lovers everywhere!! Again, I'm back with another chapter. The answers are coming close to being revealed. Hope you enjoy!

Story start======

After we fell down the giant cavern, Zoe, JP, Bokomon, Neemon and I found ourselves walking through a large field.

"The entrance to the Forest Kingdom should come up right after this field." Bokomon informed.

I was happily walking, but Zoe was slightly complaining.

"Field this is more like a jungle." She said.

"To succeed one must have faith," Bokomon said, "One must be positive, one must-"

"I believe what Bokomon is trying to say is that if we don't press on, we won't go anywhere." I interrupted.

JP grew annoyed, "Get off my head," he said to Bokomon, "For a little guy you weigh a ton."

Bokomon huffed and jumped off JP's head and into my arms.

"I'm sure we'll find the way out soon Zoe." I said as I smiled.

"Yeah and do you know why?" JP questioned, "'Cause we're fighters. We don't give up and we never quit."

His words we're true.....unfortunately, JP couldn't hold out for long.

"What happened to that 'fighting spirit'?" Zoe sarcastically asked.

I chuckled at JP's state. He could have pressed on a little further, but I guess that was his limit.

"By the way Erela," Zoe said as she turned towards me, "Are you sure you're okay? You were very weak before we fell."

Bokomon looked up at me, "Zoe speaks the truth dear girl," he said, "That sudden attack you created took most of your energy."

"I'm alright everyone." I replied.

Suddenly, JP tripped and fell. As Zoe went to help him up, a quick flash of orange and black flew past us.

The flash stopped and revealed a small digimon. It was round and orange, with cream fur on its face and a large black horn on its head.

"What in pete's name is that thing?!" JP exclaimed.

The digimon turned and looked at us with shocked red eyes.

I set Bokomon down and walked over to the small digimon, kneeling to his height.

"Hello," I said, "Where did you come from?"

"Tsunomon!" Another voice shouted from the tall plants, "Come back here now young man! I've had just enough of your shenanigans for one day."

We turned towards rustling in the plants and saw a large cactus like digimon with red boxing gloves come out.

It looked at us with shock and surprise, "Oh my goodness, what an unexpected surprise. You're human."

The little digimon, Tsunomon, gasped, before the cactus digimon grabbed him by the horn.

"Ah come on let me go, I'm gooing back to that nasty school!" He yelled as we followed the large digimon.

"So digimon have to go to school?" I asked.

"Yes," Bokomon answered, "That's where they learn the skills they'll need as full grown digimon."

"What kind of skills do they learn? Jumping and eating?" JP questioned.

The large digimon turned towards us, "How exciting," she said, "I've never seen real live humans before. I know, why don't you come to the school with us? I'm sure the children would love to meet you."

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