O, Brother, Who Art Thou?

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there!!!!

The plot is thickening as the search for the truth is drawing nearer.

I hope you've been enjoying the story so far, and continue to read future chapters.

Anyway, let's get started.

Story start~~'~~~

Beowolfmon and I were still running, searching for Duskmon. Our trail wen cold, leaving behind a train of dust beneath our feet.

We ran until we reached a cliff overlooking a field of tall, rounded rocks.

Beowolfmon got irritated, "Where did he go?" He asked angrily, "Duskmon!"

Unlike him, I remained somewhat calm, but in my mind, there was chaos.

Millions of questions were running through my mind at a hundred miles per hour.

Who was Koichi Kimura?

Why did he look so much like Koji?

What's his connection to the two of us?

Who were the two black and gold warriors?

How do we save him?

Those questions were just a few of many. I turned towards Beowolfmon, "We'll find him Koji," I assured him, "He should be close."

And how right I was. Just then, Beowolfmon paused and spotted something down below.

I looked down as well to see Duskmon galncing at us before disappearing again.

"Let's go." Beowolfmon said. I nodded and junped down with him to follow Duskmon.

The stone pillars had carved out doors and windows that let in stream of light from the three moons.

We carefully walked into the pillar we saw Duskmon go into. Slowly anf silently, we checked our surroundings for the dark warrior.

"Who are you two?" Duskmon asked from the echoing shadows.

"I could ask you the same question." Beowolfmon said.

"Why did you follow me?"

"Because we want answers and we want to help you Duskmon." I replied.

I felt the shift in the shadows and followed Duskmon's shadow with Beowolfmon as he continued to speak.

"Your presences are painful to me." Duskmon said.

"While you hide from us in the shadows?" Beowolfmon asked.

I turned to face Duskmon as he hud behind a broken wall. Our eyes made contact, red pierced starry blue and I could see what was behind them.

I saw Koichi, curled up around himself and crying. His hat lay abandoned next to him on the shadowed floor.

"Why do want to know who we are Duskmon?" I asked.

He closed his eyes and breathed out, "Destiny."

"Destiny?" Beowolfmon repeated.

"Darkness hides from the light, until it is ready to destroy it." Duskmon said, "You warrior of light are mine. The warrior of stars shall belong to Cherubimon soon enough. Darkness will prevail, your light shall be extinguished."

Duskmon brought out his swords and linged at Beowolfmon and I. I hopped away from the swords, but Beowolfmon blocked them with his larger sword.

They glared at each other as the swords clashed.

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