My Brother In Spirit

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What's up all you nerds, nuts weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there! People I hope you're ready 'cause we're getting to my favorite parts of the series.

I'm so excited to put even more drama on top of the already dramatic show!!!🙌🙌😁

Let's get started!!

Story Start~~~~~~~

Koji and I trudged through the dust filled storm. He held my hand as we walked so we wouldn't get separated.

Soon, we found a trench deep enough to wait in and keep us out of the storm.

We hopped right in and breathed in non dust filled air. Koji took off his bandana and I took off my jacket.

He stared at his D-tector in deep thought.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I'm just thinking," Koji said, "Why did he freak out when he saw us? Why did he make us remember? What does our pasts have to do with him? Is he using us, or is he really me? He looks, just like me."

I sighed, "I don't know, Koji. But when we find him, we'll get our answers." He smiled at my reassurance.

We both looked up to see that the storm had gone down. I slipped my jacket back on while Koji tied on his bandana.

"I still can't believe you still wear that old thing." I chuckled.

"Well," Koji said, grabbing my hand again, "Why would I get rid of something my girlfriend gave me all those years ago? You still wear the necklace I gave."

I laughed, "I guess you're right."

We began walking again, traveling at a normal pace and keeping an eye out for Velgamon.

Then, I felt it. The darkness that surrounded Duskmon was rushing towards me. It was so powerful that it was painful, but I kept in the pain as it intensified.

As we walked, I saw things about Koichi. His mother. Koji and Koichi's mother.

Vision start~~~~~

Koichi came home after school and saw his mother sitting at the dining table, sad for some reason.

"Mom?" Koichi asked, "What's wrong?"

His mother got up and walked over to the sink to wash dishes, "Nothing, I'm just a little tired, that's all."

I could hear the pain and sadness in her voice, so much so that I almost cried at her tired voice.

"There's just so much to do. So, how was school?"

Koichi, his face showed an expression that was pure sadness and helplessness.

"You're father abandoned you and your mother, to start a life with another woman." I heard cherubimon speak.

The scene changed again, to when we were heading off to school.

"See you later!" Koji said as he and his father left the house. I stood right by the entrance.

"Ready to go?" I asked happily, suddenly, I felt eyes on us. I turned towards the corner and saw a sliver of dark hair and white pants.

"Something wrong Erela?" Koji asked. I shook my head.

"No, nothing's wrong. Just thought I saw something." We walled away.

"Look at your happy brother, with his happy friend and family. What did you get?"

"I got what I needed," Koichi replied sadly, "but my mother....."

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