To Make The World Go Away

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers! I've noticed that a lot of people have been reading and commenting.

Thank you so much for doing so!

Story start~~~~~~

It was silent, except for some jumbled up words and phrases.

It was as if I was underwater, nothing was clear. Not even my tired eyes would open.

"You'll be coming to me soon."

"Who's there?" I asked.

"You know exactly who I am."

"Lucemon? Why are talking to me?"

"Why shouldn't I talk to my beloved?"

"I've told you before, my name is Erela Leilani, and I'm nit Galaxiamon."

"Even still, you contain her soul. Be prepared, human, for I shall take back what is mine."

His laughs echoed in my mind until a light appeared.

My heavy eyes opened and let the red painted sky flood my vision. The wind blowing on my tired body.

"I wish, at there's no sign of the Royal Knights anywhere." I heard Tommy say.

"Good maybe we lost them." JP aaid in relief.

I looked up and saw MagnaGarurumon with Tommy, JP, Bokomon, and Neemon on his back.

"Hey check it out." EmperorGreymon said. I turned my head forward to see a large field of flowers, and a castle in the distance.

"Ophanimon's castle, finally." Zoe said as we neared the castle.

Thw wind blew softly around us as we landed, bringing the bright petals with it in its cool, gentle breeze.

Suddenly, a soft thump pounded in my skull.

Koji set me down as he crouched beside me.

"Erela, are you alright?" He asked, thinking that I wouldn't answer. I proved him wrong.

"I'm okay, aside from the weakened body and headache, I'm all good." I whispered, surprising both him and the rest of our friends.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake, Erela!" Patamon exclaimed happily.

I smiled, "It's good to be awake. Is this the castle?" I asked, looking up at the large castle.

"Yeah, this is the place." Takuya said.

"And let's just hope its not just another pretty face." Koji said.

"Yeah, it doesn't look much like a fortress." Tommy commented

"But it's still here." JP said, "that has to count for something."

"Now that's logical, they haven't found it yet, genius." Zoe said annoyingly.

Koji chuckled alongside me at Zoe's words.

"But it doesn't really matter, does it?" Takuya asked, "if they don't know where it is, they will soon enough."

"Right again, my boy." Bokomon said.

I looked around at my friends, buy quickly noticed that one friend was missing.

Where was Koichi?

I stood up shakily and looked behind us. There I saw Koichi, a serious look plastered on his face.

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