The Bully Pulpit

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there! Many things have been happening in this story. Erela's destiny, her now black hair, everyone fighting for peace.

I have so many ideas in my brain that if you take a look, you'll see a mess kinda like that episode of spongebob where he has to learn fine dining and breathing.

Only more chaotic.

Anyway, let's get started.

Story Start~~~~~~~~

The Trailmon gave us a ride all the way to a steel covered town. We got off and turned towards the pink digimon.

"Thanks for the lift." Takuya said.

"No problem, I'm just glad I didn't mess it up." The trailmon said then went on his way down the tracks.

We shouted our goodbyes and walked out of the station.

"Where are we anyway?" Takuya asked.

"Steel town." Bokomon said.

"That explains a lot, the whole town is made up of steel." I said looking around the shiny steel buildings and ground.

"Wow, it's all so shiny and bright." Tommy said amazed by the town.

"Yeah, bright is right. Some of those buildings are reflecting right in ny eyes." Zoe said as she covered her eyes with her hand.

Takuya scoffed, "I bet you guys wished you had a pair of cool goggles right about now."

I chuckled at the boy's comment.

Koji looked towards me and shrugged, "Yeah all the cool kids wear goggles." He said sarcastically.

Our group laughed at Koji's remark and continued walking passed the shiny city.

We walked down to the city border and into a not so clean and not so shiny pass of earth.

"It's not so clean and shiny here." Tommy said.

Suddenly a large cloud of dust rose from the far end of the passage, a hearty laugh erupted from said dust cloud.

We stopped in place and saw a large blue and red digimon on four legs like a horse running towards us, laughing as he did so.

"What the heck is that?" Tommy asked.

"Whoever he is, I can sense something strange coming from him." I said.

"Your suspicions are correct, Erela." Bokomon said, "Sagittarimon, half man half horse and all mean. His judgement arrow attack is three prongs of pain."

Sagittarimon slowed down and stopped right in front of us, stomping his large feet into the ground.

"Stop right there humans!" He said pointing at us, "I have nothing against you personally, but I must demand that you hand over all your obsessions."

We were confused for a moment. Obsessions? Did he happen to mean possessions? I smiled at the digimon in amusement. A simple mistake, but hilarious nonetheless.

"Obsessions?" Takuya questioned.

Sagittarimon got angry and stood tall, "No, what I mean is your possessions." He corrected himself, "I should've said stiff like I usually do. I should've never bought that Thesaurus."

"So you have nothing to do other than rob people?" Tommy asked.

"Sagittarimon, I'm there must be something better to do than to rob other people." I said walking in front of everyone.

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