Ladies and Gentlemen: The Beetlemon

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Hey all you nerds, writers, weirdos, nuts and fanfiction lovers out there!! Happy Sunday, I know this is off my normal writing schedule, but I had nothing else to do but watch cartoons and write.

Thank you for reading this far and voting! Please enjoy this chapter.

Story start=====

Koji and I walked around, following the tracks near the cliffs. I could feel the harsh winds and dust hitting me as we persevered through.

"Are you okay Erela?" Koji asked as he tightened his grip on my hand.

"Yeah!" I replied, "But we need to find some shelter soon."

As soon as I said that, the wind stopped and the dust cleared. I stood behind Koji and looked around.

"Well well, what do we have here?" A gruff voice said from behind one of the many rocks around us.

We looked forward and saw a large goblin like digimon. He had a terrible smile and held a club in one hand.

"A couple of human decide to come into Goblimon territory huh? Well you should just turn around now."

Koji stood in front of me, shielding me from sight, but Goblimon saw me anyway.

He leaned in closer, and saw a sliver of my hair and face. Once he saw me, his face held a shocked look.

"It's you." He said. Goblimon jumped over us and landed behind us. Without warning, he grabbed me in his free hand.

"Erela!" Koji yelled in fear, "Let her go you ugly troll!" But Goblimon didn't listen. He pulled down my hood and stared into my eyes before smiling.

"The boss will definitely like this." He said, before whacking his club into the ground.

The ground shook and out from the cracks came a shadowed figure.

"Hey boss look at what I found."

The shadow looked at me, a pair of red eyes and a sinister smile was seen.

Excellent give her here and get rid of the boy.

The shadow's darkness reached towards me and before I could call out Koji's name for help, I was gone.

I was surrounded in shadows, the cold piercing my skin like hot needles.

Welcome dear child a voice said from the darkness you are even more beautiful than I remember.

"Who are you?" I asked, a slight tremble in my voice. The voice chuckled.

I was once a friend of yours. From a very long time ago.

Leave the child alone! A familiar voice said.

I turned towards the voice, only to shield my eyes from a blinding light.

AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! The sinister voice yelled as the light engulfed me.

I waited till the screams faded to open my eyes again.

Don't worry Erela, he is gone for now

I smiled and faced the soft voice to see the woman from my dreams.

"Thank you very much for helping me. Who was that shadow?" I asked. She sighed.

Something that should be gone from the digital world. His name shall be revealed soon. Right now, the warriors need your help. Unlock the spirit that hides the wind factory. When you awaken, you shall be where they need you.

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