Phantasmagoric Sakkakumon

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there!! I'm back again, late at night and rushing through cartoons.

I hope you like the chapter, I mean I know that you do since this book has reach OVER 1K READS!!!!!!!

*insert my wild screams!!!!!*

Sorry, I got a little too excited there. Anyway, on with the chapter.

Story start~~~~~~~~~

The others were watching Sakkakumon fly away, standing with the newly hatched Patamon.

"There goes Sakkakumon." Zoe said.

"That's a relief." Tommy added.

JP slid over to Patamon and smiled, "Well at least we've got an answer to what was in Seraphimon's egg."

"You sure are cute little fella." Zoe cooed.

"And he flies." Tommy said excitedly.

"My Papa-mom!" Patamon said as he happily flew over to Bokomon and landed om his head.

"Aww isn't that adorable," Bokomom said happily, "My baby thinks of me as both his papa and mama."

Bokomon frantically looked around for food as Patamon said he was hungry, but to his dismay, they had no food.

"We don't even have a crust of bread." Bokomon said sadly.

Patamon sighed, "That's okay, I can wait." Everyone gasped at the small orange digimon.

"That's different he's so calm." Zoe exclaimed.

"What a good boy!" Tommy added.

"He sure doesn't have Bokomon's genes." JP said as everyone but Takuya nodded in agreement.

"And just what's wrong with my genes?" Bokomon asked, slightly hurt by the comment.

Takuya tried contacting Koji and I, but with no such luck.

"It's no use, wherever they are i can't get through to either of them." Takuya said.

"That doesn't sound good." JP said worryingly.

"No it doesn't," Takuya said, "We'd better search for them. Especially Erela, the enemy wants her more than anything."

Everyone nodded and began their search.

"Will big sister be okay Papa-mom?" Patamon asked. Everyone was surprised to hear Patamon refer to me as 'big sister'.

"Why did you just call Erela 'big sister'?" Neemon asked.

Patamon smiled and replied, "Because she acts like a big sister!"

Everyone smiled, thinking the exact same thing as Neemon.

Suddenly, Neemon pointed out something in the sky.

Everyone looked up in shock to see Sakkakumon hovering in the sky.

Meanwhile, Beowolfmon and I had caught sight on Duskmon. We ran as fast as we coukd to keep in step with him.

"Where are you going?!" Beowolfmon shouted, but before we could get an answer, Duskmon vanished with a dark mist.

We stopped, bewildered at his sudden disappearance.

"Where'd he go?" I asked. Beowolfmon didn't give me an answer. Not like he could give an answer anyway.

Suddenly, I saw a picture in my mind. The black and gold warriors of darkness appeared in my mind. Their eyes were happy, and full of hope and gratefulness.

I smiled as their faces faded from my mind. Beowolfmon noticed my smile.

"What's up?" He asked. I turned towards him and replied, "I've just seen some new allies soon to come."

"What kind of allies? Are they good?"

"Yeah, they're good, and as loyal as a lion is fierce."

"I hope we meet them soon, we could really need the help."

We stood there in silence for a minute.

"About that boy," Beowolfmom finally said, "You said his name Koichi Kimura, right? He looked exactly like me. Why do you think that is?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Your answer is as good as mine. I've always heard that there are at least three people that look like you in the world. Maybe he's one of the three."

"Or maybe Duskmon is trying to trick me into letting my guard down," he said, "Maybe he somehow copied my face and gave you a fake name to try and trick us."

"No, this is not a trick." I said, "I've been seeing Koichi even before we've met Duskmon. He's a real boy, and his pain is just as real. Koichi is a lost child who needs our help. Will you help free him from the darkness?"

I held out my hand towards him, Beowolfmon smiled and gently grabbed my hand.

"I'm with you through anything." He said, "But first, we need to find him."

I nodded, my eyes shining with determination.

"Duskmon!" I shouted into the empty air, "Where are you!"

Everything was silent, except for the whispers of the wind, and voice in the back of my head saying 'Be brave, and be strong'.

Story end~~~~~~~

I'm sorry that the story is shorter than others, but it's late and I'm getting tired of just sitting here on my bed with an aching back.

I'll see you next time.

Bye Bye!!!!!

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