Now You See It, Now you Don't

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What's up all you nerds, nuts, weirdos, writers and fanfic lovers out there!!!!

I'm sooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while! But I'm back. I'm alive and I'm just as nerdy and weird as I've always been!

So without anymore interruptions... let's continue with the weird nuttiness that is my writing.

Story Start~~~~~~~~

I stayed in Koji's arms for a while longer, but the thumping in my heart and the darkening of my hair made my nerves go haywire.

We continued walking for a while, until we found ourselves in a familiar area. We kept walking, and found a fight going on between Knightmons and a familiar Gotsumon.

"We need to help him." I said as the others agreed.

I spirit evolved along with JP, Takuya and Zoe. We flew quickly as Beetlemon attacked.

"Gotsumon!" Koji shouted.

As Aldamon smashed himself into the Knightmon, Koji jumped down from the fire digimon's shoulders and in front of Gotsumon.

I flew high into the air and readied myself to attack, watching the rest of my friends spirit evolve.

"Lobo Kendo!" Lobomon jumped high and came down hard with his sword, slicing the Knightmons away.

"Rraghh! Wildfire Tsunami!" BurningGreymon covered hismelf with fire and attacked the Knightmon.

Suddenly, as the others were getting into the fight, a familiar and unpleasing voice echoed through the air.

"Spiral Masquerade!" Ribbons of yellow slashed through the crumbling statues behind Gotsumon. In just a split second, the ruins earned their name. They were reduced to rubble.

And Crusadamon was laughing at the destruction.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She asked proudly.

"The jewels!" Gotsumon exclaimed.

"Thanks for remimding me." Dynasmon said as he grabbed one of the red jewels and crushed it with his bare hands.

The jewel turned into data as did the cliff behind us. He collected it, leaving the poor Knightmon to fall into the abyss.

"But... but those were your own men!Don't you care about their destruction?" Lobomon asked.

"Foolish boy, they were simply expendable pawns. Nothing matters but us, Lord Lucemon, his new world order and Lady Galaxiamon." Crusadamon said in an uncaring tone, "Your useless compassion for the weak it what's ruining this land. The weak taint this whole world, tarnishing the beauty of digimon, like myself."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again," I said through my seething anger, "You're as ugly as your intentions and dark soul! Lucemon won't do anything for you. The only 'expendable pawns' are you two!"

"With this data scan only three remain." Dynasmon said, confusing us all.

"What do you mean three?" Lobomom asked.

"There are only three areas left to scan. The forest, the ice and the light. The rest is already Lord Lucemon's."

"And when the last of the data is his, and Lady Galaxiamom is by his side once more, Lucemon shall awaken, and a pure world will be born."

"Nothing is completely pure!" I shouted, "Everything has darkness, and Lucemon will drown this world in it!"

"Lord Lucemon is pure and will create a new pure world!" Crusadamon said, "This human girl has tainted you, Galaxiamon. Come with us and Lord Lucemom shall purify you. He will purge you of this human child."

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