Chapter 2

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Edited: April 14, 2019

Aurora POV:

Thinking back to my last court date brought tears to my eye's.

That was the last time I had gotten the chance to see my parent's and also my little boy.

God do I miss Daylan so much.

A mother should never be away from there child no matter what.

My parents brought him here and were supportive throughout my court case.

My family knows and believe in me that I did not kill Blake or Stacy.

But unfortunately, when my trial was done they needed to go back to Canada.

Being stuck her I had missed my son's 6th birthday.

I didn't eat that day, I just cried wishing that I was holding my boy in my arm's telling him that I loved him.

I will never be able to get that day back or any other birthday to follow.


Narrator POV:

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Narrator POV:

Aurora sat at the long wooden table in the courtroom with a stunned look on her face.

Men and women were screaming around her, The judge was hammering his mallet on his Podium.

"siediti. O sarai contenuto nel contenuto."    
(Sit down or you'll be held in content.)
The judge said still hammering his mallet down hard.

The verdict was in and the news was heart-wrenching to hear.

Aurora was sentenced to life without bail for the murder of Blake and Stacy Heissler.

Aurora mother was sobbing on her husband's shoulder, her brother was holding her son in his arm's saying "Everything will be ok little man, mommy loves you."

End Of Flashback

Aurora POV:

It was shower time, In here they only allow us to have a 5-minute shower.

I got to shower by myself, They didn't trust me with the other inmates

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I got to shower by myself, They didn't trust me with the other inmates

Like I'm going to kill the other women in here, It's more likely they are going to kill me first.

I didn't trust anyone here, I had to sleep with one eye open if I ever did sleep.

The guards here are sketchy and I wouldn't put it past that the inmates and they were all fucking one another.

There is this one woman guard who sometimes fills in for the other 3 women guards that are posted to watch me.

She has been giving me these looks and would lick her lips at me.

One time when she was placing the cuffs on me, She touched my ass and squeezed it, then whispered in my ear that she would love to lick me.

I jumped when she did that, I was mortified. I have never been hit on by a woman before.

Lost in my thoughts, I was done my shower, then
dressed my self in the new orange jumpsuit that they had given me.

After my hair and teeth were brushed, I banged my hand on the steel door to notify them that I was done.

Opening the door the female guard walked in and patted me down, I have no clue why.

It's not like I have a weapon, but I guess something must have happened in the past here that made this protocol.

"Your lawyer is here." She had said in broken English.

Being me I replied, " Well bring me to him it's not as I can go on my own."

She gave me that glare of your fucking lucky he is here or I would have beaten you.

We walked down the hallway with the cells on my right and left.

The inmates are screaming at us well more me than her.

"muori, cazzo, cagna." ( die you fucking bitch)

"Ho intenzione di ucciderti." ( I'm going to kill you.)

"uccidi l'uomo dei miei sogni" ( You killed the man of my dreams.)

Those were only a few people that I understood, God knows what the other women were screaming.

I am not a fan in here that's for sure, I think I would win an award for a most hated person in jail.

I'll write my speech if that ever happens and I'll thank all these bitches for making me top parity in their sorry lives.

Standing in front of a steel glass door, I could see my lawyer talking to another gentleman.

Who the fuck is this dork I said to my self and Borrani better have good news for me.........


737 Words

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