Chapter 43

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Dario POV:

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Dario POV:

24 hours have pasted which have been Agony to me.

Aurora's fever has come down significantly and there are no signs of stress or miscarriage on the fetus that I have been told by the doctor.

Now it's just a waiting game for Aurora to wake up.

I have been staying with her since she has been admitted to the hospital not leaving her side, I wanted to make sure that when she wakes up I would be the first person she sees.

As I looked out the window of her hospital room as she is behind me in her hospital bed with an IV attached to her right hand and a heart monitor machine attached to her finger letting me know that she is still alive but just incontinence off in a deep sleep.

Her family should be here soon I thought to my self.

Lucka informed me that he has gotten a hold of them and explained everything that had happen to her these past several months.

I know for a fact that they are going to have some course words with me, but truly I didn't care.

I will just take it as is because I know if I was in their situation I too would be very upset with my self. 

"Boss?" Lucka said walking into the hospital room.

"Yes?." I answered to him.

"Why is it dark in here?" Lucka wondered.

I had the lights off in case Aurora would wake up and her eyes would hurt from the light, I wanted her to be comfortable as much as possible.

"I had them off for Aurora but you can turn them on," I said.

Lucka flicked on the light switch revealing a room full of flowers that my self and other's from the gang had sent her.

I was surprised that almost all of the men who worked for me showed their concern towards her, I never knew that Aurora had became friends with all of them

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I was surprised that almost all of the men who worked for me showed their concern towards her, I never knew that Aurora had became friends with all of them.

This showed me how caring she is towards others.

"Wow, I think there are even more flowers than before," Lucka said observing the room.

I smiled at his comment knowing my girl is truly loved by others.

"Cristiano just message me he said that they will be arriving in 5 minutes."

"Did everything go alright at the airport with her family?."

I wondered if Christian had any problem with them.

"He said they were ok."

I gave Lucka a look stating is that all you're going to say?

Lucka laughed out loud, "You will just have to wait and see Dario be patient."

"We both know I'm not a patient man."

"Oh trust me I believe the whole world knows that."

"Alright Ma'am and Sir we are now at Aurora's room."

I overheard Cristiano in the hallway directing Aurora's parents to her room.

In walked a woman who was the splitting image of Aurora but much older.

Then there where two men and a little boy.

You could tell that both men were related, They had the same height and hair colour and same facial features.

For the little boy, he looked to be around the same age as my Jasmine 7 or 8 years old.

"Mommy." The boy screamed running up to Aurora hugging her body.

"Be careful with Mommy hunnie." The woman said walked over to Aurora taking her hand into hers.

"Why is Mommy sleeping?"

"I don't know yet baby but Nona is going to find out right now." The woman said letting go of Aurora's hand than walking towards me.

"Which one of you is Dario?" She pointed at Lucka and I.

I looked over at Lucka and than the women.

Alright, it's now or never.

"I'm Dario."

In a blink of an eye, I didn't even see it coming.
She had her shoe in her hand and the side of my arm really hurt.

This woman just hit me with her shoe.

"That's for kidnapping my daughter."


735 words

Hi Everyone 🙂

Aurora mom is a true Nona in every way.

My Nona was amazing with the slipper.

My self I never saw it coming too.
She used the slipper as a boomerang. She would throw it and it would always be back in her hand.

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