Chapter 35

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Narrator POV:

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Narrator POV:

Aurora sat back in her car seat as Dario's drive was driving her towards the safe house.

She never thought that she would be moving back to that house again but after what had happened tonight she felt that she really didn't have any choice in the matter.

The thought's of that night was replaying over and over around in her mind.

She couldn't believe just like that her and Dario were over in a split second.

"Stai bene signora?" ("Are you ok ma'am?") The driver asked looking at her in his rearview mirror.

Aurora placed a fake smile on her face trying to hide her feelings so that the driver wouldn't go back to Dario informing him that she was upset.

"Oh, sto bene solo un po 'stanco, grazie per essere venuto così tardi a guidarmi." ("Oh, I'm fine just a little tired. Thank you for coming out so late to drive me.")

"E 'un piacere signora, Dario mi ha messo in attesa 24/7 per portarlo a casa." ("It's my pleasure ma'am, Dario has me on stand by 24/7 to take him places.")

24/7 she thought to her self, how can someone live like that?

"Spero che ti stia pagando bene perché tu sia in standby."("I hope he is paying you good for you to be on standby."?

"Oh è la signora, è un capo molto generoso, i soldi che mi paga mi aiutano a sostenere la mia famiglia, sono molto fortunato ad averlo come mio capo"("Oh he is ma'am, he is a very generous boss. The money he pays me helps me support my family I'm very lucky to have him as my boss.")

A true smile formed on Aurora's face after what the driver had said.
Hearing nice things about Dario warmed her heart.

Yes, he is the Mob boss she thought but he also was kind to people in his own way.

Aurora looked out her car window looking at the night sky.

This brought back memories of the night that Marco and the police officer just got her from the jail and where supposedly driving her to the airport to send her back to Canada.

On that night she never thought her life once again would change because of man.

A giggle had left her lip's as she thought of how two men that she truly cared about turned her life upside down in two different ways but where still connected as one.

Placing her head on the side of the car window as she closed her eyes to get some rest all of a sudden she was jerked in her seat.

As she opened her eyes everything went in a blur, as her body shock back and forth as the car was rolling over, it then came to a complete stop.

Closing her eyes once again from the pain in her head.

Closing her eyes once again from the pain in her head

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538 Words

Sorry for the short Chapter.

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