Chapter 44

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Dario POV:

In a blink of an eye, I didn't even see it coming.
She had her shoe in her hand and the side of my arm really hurt.

This woman just hit me with her shoe.

"That's for kidnapping my daughter."


"That's for making us think she was still in jail."


"That's for everything that had happened to her that I don't know about."


"That's just because I felt like it."

"Mom leave Dario alone stop hitting him with your shoe, You look like a crazy woman."

Myself and everyone else in the room turned our head's over towards Aurora's bed.

She was sitting up looking right back at us.

"Oh, my baby you're awake. Once you feel better and you're released from this hospital we will go back home and I'll make you all your favourite food you love to eat."

I didn't like that idea at all when her mother mentioned for her to go back home.

Aurora is not going anywhere without me.
Now that I know she is caring my baby inside of her body she will never ever leave my side ever again I said to myself.

"Mommy, I have missed you so much."

"Daylan oh look at you, my baby you have grown so much. I have missed you so much not one day had passed that mommy didn't think of you, I love you."

Tears were in Aurora"s eyes as she looked at her son.

My heart broke knowing that not only Blake was responsible but also I was as well who had kept her away from her son for all this time but I wanted to make up for that to her if she would let me.

"How are you feeling hunny?" The older gentleman had asked her.

"I'm alright dad, just a little tired but other than that I am good."

"That's good to hear, at least I know when we get back home I can kick your ass again."

"Keep dreaming Frankie, We both know that you can't beat me." Aurora smiled at him.

I couldn't take this any longer hearing them talk about her leaving.

"You're not going anywhere Aurora." I blurted out.

"What do you mean my daughter is not going anywhere? I was told by a man named Lucka on the phone that she is clear of her changes so that mean's she does not have to stay here any longer."
Aurora's mother said with an angry tone to her voice

"I'm free of my charges?"
Aurora asked with a shocked look on her face.

I walked over towards her and took her hand in mine.

"That's right baby you are free, You are clear from all murder charges and won't be going back to jail."
I said looking into her confused eye's.

"I would like to speak to Dario alone please can everyone leave," Aurora said not taking her eye's off of mine.

Everyone walked out of the room just leaving the two of us together.

"What happened to Blake? Was he arrested?"

Once Aurora asked me that I started to get upset.

Clearly, she must still have feelings for that prick for her to ask me these questions.

"Why Aurora? Are you upset that your boyfriend is in jail?"

I couldn't hold back my anger from her any longer.

"Dario shut the fuck up, Blake and I have been over for a long time now. If you have not forgotten he framed me for his and your sister's murder. Why the hell would I want a man like that? I do have self-respect for myself."

Now I was happy to hear her say those words.

Whatever doubt I had about her feelings towards Blake have left me.

"Blake's not in jail he is dead I killed him."

"But, but why?" She asked

Her face turned pale.

"He kidnapped you Aurora and you became ill because of it. He hurt you in so many ways, he also killed my sister and hurt Jasmine. There was no way I was going to let that man live."

"I understand."

"You do? I was surprised by her words.

"He hurt your sister and his daughter and also hurt me. He hurt the ones you cared about."

She really did understand me I thought to myself.

"That's right Aurora he did hurt the ones I care about but more importantly he hurt you the most. I don't ever want to see you hurt again You're the love of my life and from this day forward I will alway's protect you."............


800 words

Awwww Dario told her he loves her that's so sweet.

So I have one more chapter to write and that will be the end. 😭

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