Chapter 16

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Maria lead Aurora to the room she would be accompanying for the next little while.

"Here is the guest room," Maria said not caring to talk to Aurora.

As Maria was going to leave Aurora had stopped her by saying, "Thank you I hope you and I can become friends while I am here."

Maria looked Aurora up and down then said, "Not likely."

"Maria there you are, daddy, said for you to give me a bath with lots and lots of bubbles."

Aurora looked at the little girl who reminded her of her own son. They looked to be around the same age.
This brought sadness once again to her that she couldn't see him.

"Aaliyah, of course, I'll give you a bath with lots of bubbles just the way you like it," Maria said in return.

"Who is this Maria?" Aaliyah asked with wonder.

"Don't you worry about her, She is just one of those friends you're father has that comes around here for a little while then leaves once he is done with there friendship."

"Oh, " was Aaliyah reply.

Maria shushed Aaliyah out of the room.

Aurora was left by herself thinking of the word Maria had just said.

"Did she really think that I was one of Dario sluts that he brings home? Well don't I feel offended, Plus she shouldn't be saying those words to a little girl." Aurora said out loud to her self.

As she placed her bag onto the bed she looked around the room.

Well, this looks different but way better than my last two rooms I had.

Anything was better than a cell she thought.

"Well look at you."

Aurora turned around to see Jaxson standing in the doorway.

"Jaxson your here."
Aurora said running up to him giving him a big hug.

Jaxson felt like home to her, his presence reminded her of her life before all this had happened to her.

"Well if I would of none I would be getting a big welcome from you like this every time I see you then I will make sure to come every day just to see you," Jaxson said with a big smile on his face.

"How did you know I was here?."

"Well I didn't really, I am here to see Dario with some more information that could help you, but I overheard Maria talking to the head chef about one of Dario's sluts was now living here. I knew that couldn't be true because of Dario's daughter, he would never bring one of them here to stay because of her."

"That Maria girl is really starting to piss me off now, I wish someone would take that pickle out of her ass," Aurora said with a stern voice.

"Come with me sweetheart we need to go talk to the boss."

As they walked out of the bedroom Jaxson grabbed her hand and held it with his and walked to Dario office.........


564 words

Short chapter I know but we got to meet new characters in the story.

Finally, a name was placed in the story for Dario's daughter I was wondering if we would hear a name for her.

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Thank you 🙂

💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖 💕

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