Chapter 34

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"Everything looks like it's coming into place boss."

"That's good to hear, In a few more day's everything will be in order and no one will see me coming.

Dario POV:

Taking another shot into my mouth I think it's my 12th drink I'm not sure I lost count after the 8th one.

" Slow down Dario or I'll be the one caring you out of this club," Lucka said worried about me.

"I'm an ass Lucka, I let them treat her that way."

"I dont understand what you're trying to say, Dario, you're slurring way too much for me to understand."

"My Mother and Sister treated her like shit."

"Oh, yea I heard, they were ruthless towards Aurora. I'm surprised you didn't defend her."

"I wanted to but it's my mom."

"Hahaha, you always were a pansy when it came to the women in your family," Lucka said taking a shot.

While he took his I take another shot downing it then slamming the glass down on the table.

I raise my hand in the air to get the bartender's attention for him to send over a few more shots for us to drink.

"Dario man you need to slow down you can't drain your Soros in alcohol you need to go and see her and apologize."

Even though I am drunk Lucka was a smart man this guy knew women way better than I did.

"Is that what you do with Rosita?" I asked in wonder.

As I looked at Lucka I could see a smile form on his face, he must be thinking of her. This man truly loved this woman he had to worked very hard to be with her.

One thing about Rosita she is a very stubborn woman I think even more so than Aurora.

"We both know Rosita is the boss, haha and I think you have finally found the boss of you but we will never let these women know that they are, That's to much power in their hands," Lucka said taking another drink back in his mouth.

In the corner of my eye, I could see a group of sexy women heading towards our way, If it wasn't for Aurora I would so be up in all of that but looking them up and down I didn't have any reaction towards them.

"I think we better go," Lucka said looking at the same Direction I was.

"Yea sounds good."

I tried to stand up but stumbled a little but found my balance.

Unfortunately, we had to head the same way where the girls were heading towards us.

"Hey, sexy." A girl said putting her hands on my chest.

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