Chapter 3

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Edited: April 14, 2019

Aurora POV:

Walking into the room looking around I see my lawyer Borroni, He looks to be in his late 50's.

If you asked me why don't you know, Well that's because Borroni and I don't see eye to eye so I have never asked him any personal questions these past 8 months.

He thinks he is the best lawyer in the world and I think he is a sexist pig.

"buon pomeriggio." (Good afternoon) he said then pulled out a chair for me to come and sit down.

He could be a sexist pig but, the man does have manners.

"Buon pomeriggio." (Good afternoon) hai qualche buona notizia per me?(Do you have any good news for me?)

Since I have been in here my Italian has gotten better, but not by choice.

Borroni was looking at some papers in front of him. The man beside him was just staring at me.

I wasn't sure how to react to this man, he did not look like the friendliest type but for Borroni to bring him along and not my social worker then maybe he had something to do with the Canadian embassy.

"Ho buone notizie, torni in Canada." (I do have good news, you're going back to Canada)

Oh my god, finally I'm going home. I'll be closer to my family and my son.

I'll finally be out of here.

"oh mio Dio, sono così felice di sentire questo. Voglio solo andare a casa, non a casa-casa, ma essere una struttura migliore una prigione migliore di questo posto."
(oh my God, I'm so happy to hear this. I just want to go home will not home -home but being a better facility a better jail than this place.)

"Questo signore accanto a me si chiama Marco, è dell'ambasciata canadese. lui ti accompagnera 'in Canada."
(This gentleman beside me his name is Marco he's from the Canadian embassy. He will be escorting you back to Canada.)

Ok, I understand a little he said, Marco, will be taking me back to Canada,
But I want to know when.

I decided to talk to them in English, so I could understand the next important questions I needed to ask.

Marco must know English for him to work for the Canadian embassy.

" When will you be taking me back to Canada?"

He looked at me in my eyes, "Tonight, My self and a few police officers will be escorting you out of the jail. We're doing it at night so no pedestrians will see you. You're not a very liked or wanted woman right now in Italy, Mr. & Mrs. Heissler were well none citizens here and the people are not happy that you have murdered them."

That son of a bitch.

"I did not kill them you prick."

I could see the anger in his eyes.

Putting a smile on my face.

I put my hand out for Borroni to shake, as he took my hand he kissed the top of it.

Gross, I'll have to put my hand in gasoline to get that mans gross lip marks off of it.

"Grazie per tutto il tuo aiuto." ( Thank you for all your help.)

I took my hand from him and rubbed it up and down on my orange jumpsuit.

Turning to face Marco, "What time am I leaving?"

"9:00 PM, Your guards will come and get you. Make sure you have dinner, You won't be eating for a while."

Marco stood up then walked over to the steel door.

He knocked one time and a guard walked in, placing my handcuffs back on my wrist not gently I might add, then pulling me out of the room back to my cell.

5 more hours to go, I just needed to remind my self of that..........


695 Words

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