Chapter 20

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I had a late night with the boy's last night at one of my strip clubs, So instead of going home drunk and running into Aurora, I had decided to sleep over at the Safe House.

After what had almost happened with Aurora and I yesterday in my kitchen I needed to get away from her to clear my mind.

This woman is starting to affect me and I'm not liking it one bit, No woman has ever affected me before and I'm not going to have it. I'm supposed to get her to fall for me not the other way around.

"Baby, are you coming back to bed?"

Looking over at my bed seeing a half-naked girl.
How much did I drink last night, I can't even remember banging this chick.

"Don't call me baby. I'm going to go take a shower you better be gone when I come back out."

I hated it when girls called me baby it was a pet peeve of mine.

Walking into my bathroom I start taking off my robe letting it drop to the floor, Then turning the nob inside the shower for the water to come on.

Making sure it was the temperature that I liked, Stepping inside letting the water Cascade over my body.

Closing my eyes seeing the images of Aurora running throw my mind.

Picturing kissing her plump pink lips and fondling her big breasts,
Our naked bodies pressing together.

Suddenly I felt arms wrapped around my body from behind me.

Turning around I see the woman from my bed standing before me naked with lust in her eyes.

"I told you to leave, What made you think to join me?"

I was irritated couldn't this girl get the hint that I didn't want her here any longer?

"Baby I need you and I can tell you need me too."

She looked down at my erection.

"If you think you were the one that made me have this your wrong." Pointing down to my stiff dick.

"Why are you being like this? You liked me last night." She said with an angry look on her face.

Well, If you want I could lie to you right now and just fuck you again thinking of the same girl I did last night when I fucked you.
But I thought to be fair and be honest. You need to know that you're just a number to me and I have plenty of numbers. Don't get attached to me, I don't do relationships or love. So get out."

God, I can't even shower in peace. I was having a nice shower before she interrupted it.

Tears were pouring out of her eyes running down her face.

I know I should feel bad for what I just said but eh What can I do, truth hurts.

She turned and left the shower, Thank God she got the hint.

Once I had finished with my shower I got dressed.

I went down to the kitchen to make my self a cup of coffee to help sober me up, I had a really bad hangover.

Ring, Ring, Ring

"Ciao." (Hello)

As I listen to the person talk on the other line.

"Veramente quando?" ("Really when?")
I said to answer them.

Then I continued to listen to their answer.

"Va bene riportala a casa, io sarò lì per incontrarti."("Alright bring her back to the house, I'll be there to meet you.")

Ending the call.

Can this day get any more fucked up I thought to my self?

Not bothering to continue to make my coffee.

I grabbed a few pills out of the kitchen cupboard swallowing the pills without water.

Now to go home and take care of some business......


779 words

I got a Secret but only the ones who are reading this book will find out.

As I am writing this story I am also writing another one on the side but not posting it yet, not until it's completed.

That book has nothing to do with this book but I just thought to share.

It's about the 1900 in China with demons and different elements and realms. With sword fighting and magic. With Kings and Queens, Everything you can think of is in this story. 

Romance as well.

But don't worry I will keep on posting each day a Chapter or more for this book until it's completed.

I know what it's like when your reading a story and the author just stops writing it.

It really sucks.

All my stories I write I promise you I will never give up on them. 🙂

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