Chapter 36

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Lucka POV:

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Lucka POV:

Stepping out of my car, I look at my watch to see the time, it said 9:40 AM.

I wished that I would be in my bed sleeping right now but Dario had asked me to come to the safe house to check up on Aurora.

He didn't give me to much details on why she would be here but god only knows it must be because of a big hit the two of them had after he got home from the club.

I know he will eventually tell me what had happened between the two of them.

I see Cristiano walking out of the house heading towards me.

"Cosa ci fai qui così presto la mattina? Non hai mai colpito questo posto fino al pomeriggio Lucka?" ("What are you doing here so early in the morning? You never hit this place until the afternoon Lucka?")

"Dario voleva che controllassi Aurora." ("Dario wanted me to check up on Aurora.")

"Perché dovresti controllarla qui? Non è qui."("Why would you be checking on her here? She's not here.")

"Che cazzo vuoi dire che lei non è qui? È venuta la scorsa notte, ovviamente, è qui."("What do you fucking mean she is not here? She came last night so of course, she is here.")

"Lucka Sono stato qui tutta la notte e Aurora non si è presentata qui."( "Lucka I have been here the whole night and Aurora did not show up here.")

I ran back to my car not even bothering to reply back to Cristiano, I needed to get to Dario's Villa pronto.

He is going to flip once I tell him that Aurora is missing.

Dario POV:

Tired as fuck, I just got out of the shower and sat my naked ass on my bed with my underwear in my hand

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Tired as fuck, I just got out of the shower and sat my naked ass on my bed with my underwear in my hand.

I'm even to tried to put them on.

I felt depressed, my girl is gone well I can't call her my girl any longer, Aurora is gone out of my life and I'm stuck here thinking about different ways to get her to change her mind about be with me.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm fucking Dario Anais head Mafia leader and I'm here sulking about a girl.

Why dont I just cut off my balls and gift wrap them, give them to Aurora to keep in her purse because I'm acting like the bitch in our not so relationship.

I smack my head with my hand.

What am I saying she the boss of me, she owns these balls of mine.

" Dario," Lucka said barging into my room.

"What the fuck man? Why the fuck are you sitting on your bed naked? Dude, I can see your penis." Lucka turned his body around so he was not facing me any longer.

"My bedroom door was closed for a reason, you're the one who came in here without knocking. Don't be jealous that my dick is bigger than your's."

I laughed when I said that last part, it felt good to laugh after the night I had.

"For one my dick is bigger and for two we got bigger problems. Aurora didn't make it to the safe house, Cristiano was there all night and he said she never came. He didn't even know that she was coming there."

I picked up the lamp off my side table and threw it at the wall.

"Fuck," I yelled out loud

I was trying to think fast of ideas of where she could be.

The first person that popped into mind was Jaxson for some odd reason.

"We need to talk to Jaxson," I said putting on some track pants and a t-shirt.

"Why Jaxson? He has been in lockup this whole time how could he help us?

I could tell with Lucka's expression on his face that he was curious about me wanting to see Jaxson.

" My gut is telling me that he has something to do with this and my gut feeling is never wrong."

I grabbed my car keys off the table after slipping on my shoes.

"Let's go," I said walking out of my bedroom.


786 Words

🙂 Hi, I'm in the mood to write today.

I have so many thought's and idea's going around in my head and I wanted to make sure I write these chapters now so I won't forget.

I hope you are enjoying the story, please comment on your thoughts. Would love to hear what you have to say.

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P.S I hoped you liked seeing Dario all naked because I know did. 😉


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