Chapter 31

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Blake POV:

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Blake POV:

It's almost been a year since I have held my Aurora, I have been itching to just go and grab her and take her far away so we can be together.

But I can't do that right yet, I needed to continue my plan for the both of us to be together and once that is complete which will be very soon her and I won't need to watch our backs, we will be able to be together.

"Blake phase two is complete, Dario's Warehouse went up in flames. What's next?"

I smiled at my longtime friend.

"Jaxson we won't start on phase 3 yet, I will need to get a few more men on board to help us."

"Well you better hurry it up or you are going to lose out on Aurora. Her and Dario are getting pretty close and he won't let her out of his sight."

Fuck, Dario, I know my Aurora she would never go for him, she loves me and only me.

I have done all this for the two of us and Dario will never be able to get into the middle of us.

"I trust Aurora she won't fuck around with him."

Jaxson gave me that look that says he knew some information but hesitating to tell me in case I get mad.

"What is it Jaxson I know that look."

"My insider informed me that Dario had Lucka move Aurora's things into his bedroom."

"What the fuck." I hollered out loud throwing everything and anything that I could get my hands on.

"This has changed everything, there is no fucking way that she is going to sleep in his bed. MY Bed is the only bed that she can sleep on, I'm the only person that she can sleep beside. You go back to Dario's and get close to her. Try to push Dario away from her do whatever you can BUT remember she is MINE you keep your fucking hands to your self."

"Sounds good I'll leave now. I'll touch base with you soon and let you know what is happening."

Jaxson left my office.

I needed to act quickly, phase 3 need to be done sooner than I had thought.

There is no way Aurora will be staying with Dario anymore longer then she has.

I picked up my office phone, on the second ring it was answered.
I then spoke into the phone, "Plant the bomb in the next 3 days."

"Yes, sir."

I hung up the phone and leaned back in my chair.

I then spoke out loud to myself.

Dario, you have fucked with me for the last time. You mother fucker, You had pushed me to kill your sister. You knew I didnt want her but you still had to make me be with her just because of Jasmine.

I didnt care that I had a child with Stacy, Dario was the one who thought Stacy and I should be together and be a family for Jasmine.

Stacy was only 18 when she got pregnant, she tried to trap me with Jasmine but I didnt care.

Stacy was a fucked up teenager, god knows if Jasmine is even mine but Stacy put it in her brothers head that it was mine.

Dario made me go and see Jasmine every 6 months just to show my face and pretend that I cared.

A part of me felt bad for the kid because Stacy didnt really bother with her either, Dario took over guardianship over Jasmine and raised her as she was his own. Jasmine even calls him daddy witch to me is good to let him be her father.

The only women I want to carry my children is Aurora.

Soon, my dear Aurora, we will be together very soon........


674 words

Did not see that coming Jasmine is Stacy's and Blake's child.

Did anyone have that suspicion that she was?

I hope you liked Blake's POV 🙂

Thanks for reading.


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