Chapter 38

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Warning violence ahead

Warning violence ahead

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Dario POV:

As I am opening up the room where Jaxson has been staying, I saw him laying down on the cot with his arm over his eyes.

I banged on the door loud so he would hear me and to wake up if he was asleep.

"You don't have to be so loud, I already knew that you came in here," Jaxson said still not removing his arm from his face.

"Get up Jaxson we need to talk," I said walking over to the chair that was in the room and sat down.

Lucka stayed standing at the door to make sure no one would interrupt us.

"What is there to talk about? Or are you going to go all caveman on me again about something that has to do with Aurora?"

" That's a good assumption because it does have something to do with Aurora. Where is she Jaxson?"

I was done playing game's I wanted my girl back and I needed answers.

"How would I know Dario I have been stuck in this room from last night. Why do you ask any way's? Did she finally realized what an ass you are and left you?"

I stood up from my chair that I was sitting on.

Without any word, I punched Jaxson in the mouth as hard as I could.

He leaned upon the cot coughing and spitting out blood from his mouth.

"I swear to God Jaxson if you don't start talking then I will start cutting off body parts and the first place I will start will be your dick."

The shock and horror was placed on Jaxson's face.

He knew I was not joking, cutting off people's body parts were my trademark.

"Dario you don't need me to tell you who would be the one to take Aurora and if you did then you're dumber than I thought."

I knew who he was talking about but I wanted him to confirm it.

"Where is Blake holding her?" I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt looking him into his eye's.

"See this is where I won't tell you because I know for a fact that he won't hurt her. He loves that woman more than life itself and would never do any harm to her."

I was pissed, just thinking about my Aurora being in the same room with that man. It just made my blood boil.

"Lucka get me my box of tools."

Lucka walked out of the room and not even 3 seconds later he came back into the room with my supplies.

Jaxson tried to Escape from my hold on him but my grip on his shirt was tight.

Lucka placed my toolbox on the desk and walked over where I was.

He grabbed Jaxson and dragged him over to the chair I was sitting on.

Pushing him down on the seat, I opened my toolbox and took out two ropes to tie him up as Lucka held him down.

Once I was done I asked Jaxson once again if he was going to let me know where I could find Aurora but once again he would not give me the information that I needed.

Lucka pulled Jaxsons top over his head taking it off of him and as well as his pants and boxers.

Jaxson was shaking not sure from being scared or cold or even both.

Taking two clamps out of my toolbox, I clamped his balls.

Jaxson screamed out of pain which made me laugh because I haven't even gotten started on the fun stuff yet.

Taking a blade out I make paper think cuts over his chest and between his fingers and thumbs.

Those little slices felt like paper cuts to the skin.

Blood was running down his chest.

"Are you going to tell me what I want to hear?"

"Fuck you, Dario," Jaxson yelled at me.

"Well if you keep this up I know for a fact that I can find a few guys who would love to rape that ass of yours."

Taking out a rag and a little kerosene can out of my toolbox.

I drench the rag with kerosene and shoved it into Jaxson mouth.

He started to chock on the rag and tried to spit it out.

Lucka placed is hand over Jaxson's mouth so the rag would stay in his mouth.

Grabbing duct tape from my toolbox I ripped a long piece from it and placed it over his mouth.

Next, I took out my clippers from my toolbox and snipped a little piece of the top of Jaxson's dick.

Blood was pouring down his leg, he was screaming but it was muffled from the rag.

"Are you going to help me now? Or should I keep on going?"

Tears were coming out of Jackson's eye's running down his cheeks.

He shook his head up and down to inform me that he was ready to talk.

"That's a good boy," I said patting him on top of his head............

"That's a good boy," I said patting him on top of his head

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876 Words

Oh my god, I can't stop writing for some reason, I just want to keep on going.

I'm having fun writing these chapters.

Sorry for the gory scenes.


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