Chapter 8

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Edited: April 19, 2019

Dario POV:

As I'm laying down on my bed thinking of how today had gone its course.

I felt drained, The stress I have been going through for the past 8 months has been really affecting me.

Seeing Aurora today brought back the memory of when I saw her at Blake's party, I knew who she was at that time.
I also knew that something was happening with her and him, Jaxson had informed me of their relationship.

Aurora was so surprised finding out that Jaxson works for me.

Jaxson and I were friends way longer than my friendship with Blake, I was the one who introduces them.

I wondered what the whole fuss was about this women, I wondered how Blake could go behind my back and try to hide their relationship which he knew could cause serious problems.

I purposely went to the party to seek her out, So without anyone finding out I casually walked in and watched her.

I watched how her and her friends were interacting with one another, laughing and dancing.

Then I saw Blake walked over to her putting his arms around her.

Something that she and Blake conversed about must have really upset her for her to walk away from him and go out to his patio for air.

She was talking to her self which I thought was cute, She was not my typical type but she was still cute.

I never found bigger women appealing but with her, there was just something which I found attractive which confused me.

We didn't talk for long but I understood why Blake liked her.

My men and I have been doing a lot of investigation but some things are just not adding up.

Aruroa put some puzzle pieces together but she's holding back.

I'll know more in a couple of day's once Jaxson gets here with the file that she had mentioned.

I have spared Aurora for Jaxson sake for now.

He has been the one who keeps on saying she was innocent, let's hope he is right........


392 words

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So which guy is hotter
Blake or Dario?

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