Chapter 21

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I feel like I have been walking forever.

All I see is trees and more trees, Why aren't there any houses around here?

I'm not sure if I am lost or just walking in circles but one thing I do know is that I'm going nowhere.

My feet hurt, my back aches and (putting my hand on my forehead) now I'm starting to get a fucking headache.

It's all Dario fault, he drove me to do this.

That stupid playboy.

My god, I'm talking to my self more than usual.

Stretching my arms to the sky, to stretch out my body.

What is that God awful smell?

I sniff the air looking around me.

Could it be me? I wondered.

Sniffing my armpit.

Ewww it is me I reek really bad.

It's official my life sucks ass.

I smell, I lost my bag of clothing so I don't have anything to change into, I'm hungry and thirsty.

And what really pisses me off the most is where is the fucking water, I'm in fucking Italy surrounded by water and I can't find any water, What the fuck is up with that.

Well, at least I have my sunglasses.

Looking down at the ground, walking kicking rocks with my foot.

I wonder if Dario noticed that I was gone yet?  Would he be looking for me or did he not care.

Hunk, hunk

Lifting my head up.

A car, oh my god finally a car is passing by.

Waving my hands in the air.

The car stopped ahead of me. Running up to it I see two guys getting out of the car.

Awww shit, these guys are Dario men.

Turning around swiftly I started running the other way from them.

"I have no problem shooting you." A voice said behind me.

Stopping in my tracks.

I turn around to face the two guys holding their guns in there hands ready to shoot me.

Walking towards them with a sad look on my face.
I give up, there is no way I could run any longer from Dario....


384 words

Two chapters out today.
I believe that is it for today, tomorrow I'll have more chapters for you to read.

Thank you for reading.

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