Chapter 17

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As Lucka and I were talking there was a knock at my door.

"Entra."("Come in.")

Jaxson and Aurora entered my office but what got my attention was that they were holding hands.

Gripping the glass that was in my hand I took a gulp of my drink ending up drinking all of my drink at once.

I hand my glass over to Lucka for him to get me another drink.

"Cosa vuoi?" ("What do you want?") I didn't care that I sounded rude but seeing them holding hands just irritated me for some reason.

Jaxson brought Aurora over to the sitting area in my office and gestured for her to sit down as he continued to stand.

"Ho trovato altre informazioni per te sul fratello di Blake, Nathaniel." ("I found some more information for you about Blake's brother Nathaniel.") Jaxson said handing me a file.

Looking it over, I see a picture of two boys standing side by side each other.

They looked around the same age as my daughter is in this picture.

"Che cos'è questo?" ("What's this?")
Holding up the picture.

"Quello è Blake con il suo gemello Nathaniel quando erano molto giovani."("That's Blake with his twin brother Nathaniel when they were very young.")

"Come mai ora sto imparando questo: in tutti questi anni non ho avuto Blake e suo padre ha lavorato per mio padre non è mai uscito?" ("How come I am learning this now. All these years I have none Blake and his father worked for my father it never came up?")  I said still looking at the picture in my hands.

Jaxson took a deep breath.
Before he could speak Aurora interrupted him.

"It's because his father hid him from everyone. He chose Blake over him."

I was confused by what she just said and I think she could tell so she went on to say...

"When Nathaniel kidnapped me from Jaxon hotel room and drove me over to his Family Estate. He walked me through the home and told me about his life. His father treated him and Blake really poorly by abusing them as in beating them up but more so Nathaniel then Blake.
He only needed one son to take his place when he passed away."

I started to understand a little more now, but I was right about this woman.

She does know more then what she had lead onto knowing.

"Why didn't you tell me this before Aurora?"

"Would you of believed me? You think I killed your sister meanwhile I tried to help her but you don't believe me."

She yelled at me when she said that.

"You did kill my sister, She told me that you were cheating with Blake and that you were obsessed with him."

"Fuck you, Your sister was the one obsessed with Blake. He didn't want her and He loved me and still does." Tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Blake is fucking dead he won't be coming back for you. He doesn't love you."

She really started to piss me off, I didn't care that she was crying.

"Yes he does love me and he said he is going to come back for me."

Once those words slipped out of her mouth she put her hand over her mouth.

"What do you mean? Coming back to you?"

"Nothing." Is all she said.

I got up from my desk and walked over to her.
Lifting her up by her shoulders I stood her up with my hands still on her I shook her saying "What do you mean he is coming back for you."

I could see the fear in her eyes. Her cheeks wet from her tears.

In a low whisper, she said something that I couldn't hear.

"I can't hear you," I said in an angry tone.

"Blake is alive he killed Stacy and Nathaniel and framed me."

I was speechless when she said those words.

Blake is alive and used Nathaniel's body to fake his death my god I never knew how much of a sick fuck this man truly really was..........


755 words

Well, the truth is out, I wonder what they are going to do now with this information.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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